释义 |
Laotse 'lau'dz 基本例句 老子相传春秋时思想家,道家的创始人,著《老子》 Laotsesays that Nature does not talk,nor does the old pine tree.老子曰: “天无语。”古松也是无语的。 Laotsesays, “Nature does not talk,” nor does the old pine tree.老子曰: “天无语。”古松也是无语的。 Laotse's demeanor was uncommon, looking like a celestial being.老子因为刚洗完澡,头发还没干。 Laotsehad laughed before him, a thin, shrill yet cataclysmic laughter.老子在庄子面前嘲笑他,那笑是尖锐刺耳却又激变的。 Laotseis carrying the water of Tao which he supposes should not take.用之不足既--用之不尽,取之不竭--老子是在提道的水了。 It is a great practice thatLaotsecan apply it without being intervened.老子将欲运用的纯乎一心,这也算是另一番伟大的修为矣。 |