释义 |
Lang Son 基本例句 谅山 After PLAs capturedLang Son, VPA's command planned to counter-attack and retakeLang Sonon Mar 6th or Mar 7th.在解放军占领谅山市之后,越南人民军指挥部计划于3月6日或者7日发起反击,夺回谅山市。 After PLAs capturedLang Son, VPA's command planned to counter-attack and retakeLang Sonon Mar 6th or Mar 7th.在解放军占领谅山市之后,越南人民军指挥部计划于3月6日或者7日发起反击,夺回谅山市。 They had moved 304th and 325th of 2nd corps from Cambodia toLang Son, some armor and MRL regiments were also appointed.为此,将第2军的304师和325师从柬埔寨北调谅山,同时计划投入一些装甲部队和多管火箭炮部队参战。 Following the Chinese retreat, Vietnamese inLang Sonprovince ford the Ky Cuong River on makeshift pontoon rafts, as the existing bridge sits collapsed.在中国撤军后,谅山的越南人在祈纲河上架起临时的木筏,因为现存的桥梁已经垮塌。 |