释义 |
Langhans giant 基本例句 朗汉斯巨细胞结核结节中的巨大细胞 The typical giant cell for infectious granulomas is called aLanghans giantcell and has the nuclei lined up along one edge of the cell.感染性肉芽肿形成典型的巨细胞叫朗格罕斯巨细胞,它的细胞核沿细胞边缘排列。 This well-formed granuloma has a largeLanghans giantcell in the center. Two small spherules of Coccidioides immitis are seen in the giant cell.这是一个境界较为清楚的肉芽肿,在中央处可见一个较大的朗格汉斯巨细胞。在巨细胞内可见有两个小的球孢子菌。 |