

单词 land tenure
释义 land tenure lændˈtenjuə 短语¹¹⁴⁴⁶⁷⁺

the right to hold property; part of an ancient hierarchical system of holding lands近义词 tenure终身职位
用作名词This cultural variation is well-illustrated by theland tenuresystems established in the islands of the South Pacific.文化变迁可以通过南太平洋群岛中建立的土地所有制得到很好的说明。 The evolution of land tenure system reflects the route of the relationship between the ownership and the use rights of the rural land.
租佃制度的发展变化,在很大程度上反映着土地所有权和使用权之间关系的发展演变。 cnki

A strategy is developed to empirically test the rational model against the political model of collective decision in the context of land tenure choice in rural China.
本文以中国农村为背景,试图发展一种可以检验集体决策过程是理性模型还是政治模型的方法。 bioon

From the point of view of politics, the transformation of land tenure system conformed to agreement consistence rule of different economic agents.
作者认为,从政治表现角度观察,土地制度变迁获得了不同经济当事人“同意的一致性” ; cnki

From the point of view of institutional innovation, the patterns and paths of the transformation of land tenure system in China enriched the institutional economics theories.
从制度创新角度观察,中国农地制度变迁的方式以及制度变迁的交易规则选择等丰富了制度经济学理论。 cnki

New land tenure arrangements have to be found, and that will take time.
必须做出新的土地使用安排,而这需要时间。 fao

The paper analyzes and summarizes the transformation and performance of land tenure system in China.
本文对我国农村土地制度变迁的绩效进行了分析和总结。 cnki

These deficiencies, in addition to the insecurity stemming from illegal land tenure, motivated the settlers to mobilize and collectively provide for themselves.
由于这些缺陷,加之非法用地带来的风险,使得定居者行动起来,团结一致自谋对策。 iask.sina.com.cn

This paper studies the factors that have induced the evolution of land tenure security in rural China.
本文研究了引致中国农村地权稳定性变化的因素。 cnki




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