释义 |
Landrecies 基本例句 n.朗德勒西在法国;东经 3º42' 北纬 50º08' The “Mistral” goes on, fires several times and moves towards the center ofLandrecies.“米斯米切尔”在开火之后继续前进,在开了机炮之后,朝着小镇的中心驶去。 The “Tunisie” moves two times all along the eastern part ofLandrecies, firing on each spotted target.“突尼西亚”沿着城镇东边的公路行驶了两个来回,向每一辆坦克开火。 During there movement towardsLandreciesthey stayed camouflaged and immobile during about 45 minutes since the Luftwaffe was strongly bombing the towns around.在向朗德勒西进军的过程中,因为德国空军对这个地区进行了猛烈的空袭。他们在树丛中隐蔽了大约45分钟。 |