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词汇 landraces
释义 landraces
Thus, the utilization of Guangdonglandracesshould be specially considered in sweetpotato breeding.因此,在进行甘薯育种时应重点考虑广东地方品种的利用。
Abstract:It is a special characteristic that many Chinese common wheatlandracesshowed a high crossability with rye.摘要中国六倍体普通小麦地方品种有一个比较独特的特征-存在丰富的高亲和性材料。
Thus, the utilization and protection of thelandracesfrom Guangdong should be emphasized in sweetpotato breeding.因此,在今后甘薯亲本选配和品种保护上,应重点考虑该地区的地方品种。
In conclusion, more spikelets and kernels per spike were the most valuable traits in turgidumlandraces, and could be utilized in wheat breeding.本研究认为,多小穗数和多穗粒数是圆锥小麦地方品种最突出的优良性状,可做为小麦育种的重要基因资源。
Genetic diversity of 48 sweetpotatolandraces, randomly sampled from 4 regions in China, was analyzed using RAPD, ISSR and AFLP markers.摘要用RAPD、ISSR及AFLP分子标记,对来自中国安徽、福建、河南和广东4省的48个甘薯地方品种进行遗传多样性分析。
Tibetan Weedrace, Yunnan Hulled Wheat, Sichuan White Wheat Complex and Xingjiang Rice Wheat are four speciallandracesof Triticum aestivum L. which were found, in China.系统地论述了新疆稻麦、云南铁壳麦、西藏半野生小麦和四川白麦子类型等中国特有小麦种质资源的种类、地理分布,及其起源与演化系统。




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