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词汇 Land ecology
释义 Land ecology
In accordance with the commonly accepted index of security evaluation on regionalland ecology, a system of 22 indexes suitable for this region is established.依据区域土地生态安全评价一般性指标体系,建立了适合该区的由22项指标组成的土地生态安全评价指标体系。
Based on clarifying of land ecological security and taking Hebei Province as the case, this article discusses the methods of security evaluations ofland ecology.以河北省为例,在界定土地生态安全概念的基础上,探讨了土地生态安全评价的方法。
The main causes for the deterioration of land ecological security are unreasonable reclaimation、 denudation, overgrazing and the extensive farming.滥垦、滥伐、过度放牧以及粗放经营的生产方式是导致该地区土地生态环境安全状况不断下降的主要原因。
This topic investigated the Hui'an County land ecological environment present situation, has appraised the land utilization type to the ecological environment influence.本课题调查了惠安县土地生态环境的现状,评价了土地利用类型对生态环境的影响。
The concept of land ecological safety is the land ecosystem of mankind ensure degree unaffected by ecological destroy and environment pollution in the production, living and health.土地生态安全是指土地生态系统对人类在生产、生活和健康等方面不受生态破坏与环境污染等影响的保障程度。




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