

单词 lances
释义 lance·s 英lɑːns美læns COCA⁴⁸⁶⁹⁹BNC³⁷⁸²⁵
a long pointed rod used as a tool or weaponan implement with a shaft and barbed point used for catching fisha surgical knife with a pointed double-edged blade; used for punctures and small incisions
move quickly, as if by cutting one's way;

Planes lanced towards the shore

pierce with a lance, as in a knights' fightopen by piercing with a lancet;

lance a boil

Lance Corporal一等兵free-lance自由契约的lance sergeant英军代理中士…free lance自由作家的steam lance低压蒸汽除冰器,蒸汽…hand lance手喷枪circular lance圆弧切口,圆弧切缝…air lance采矿压缩空气吹风…oxygen lance氧气喷枪spray lance喷枪lance shaped披针形的sand lance玉筋鱼pistol lance手枪式喷枪lance door吹灰门lance cutting氧炬切割fer-de-lance医 枪蝰, 矛头…break a lance with sb.和某人争论break a lance with 和 … 争论(…
近义词 cut切stab刺prick刺spear矛knife刀shaft柄pierce刺穿impale刺穿incise切入hack劈或砍weapon武器bayonet刺刀javelin标枪gig特约演奏puncture刺穿perforate穿孔于fishgig钩型鱼叉lancet医柳叶刀fizgig轻佻的女人slice into切一个口子

用作名词The horseman aimed hislanceat his quarry.骑手把长矛对准了他的猎物。
He was so vain and reckless that he would break alanceor two with his general.年轻的军官一心取胜,他并不害怕与自己的将军比试一下。
It doesn't like dragger, but likeslance.看起来不像是匕首,更像矛。
I'll break alancewith you in argument.我要和你辩论,一决胜负。 They operate in units called lances, which consist of four troopers and their sergeants, as well as their assigned speeder bikes or other patrol craft.
他们的行动编制单位被称为骑兵队,由四名士兵和他们的中士组成,包括分配给他们的飞行摩托或其它巡逻工具。 starwarschina




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