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词汇 Lampone
释义 Lampone
He also left RoccoLamponein the car.信箱被袭,只如战争的默片,还不打紧。
It was evening before Don Corleone, Tom Hagen and the bodyguard-chauffeur, who happened to be RoccoLampone, arrived at the mall in Long Beach.当考利昂老头子、汤姆-黑根和跟着执行任务的保镖司机罗科-拉朋回到长滩镇林荫道时,天早就黑了。
On the afternoon of-Michael's return from Vegas, RoccoLamponedrove the limousine to the mall to pick up Kay so that she could meet her husband at the airport.在迈克尔从韦加斯要回来的那天下午,罗科 - 拉朋开着轿车来到林荫道,要恺上车,送她到飞机场去迎接丈夫。
Gatto andLamponewere still waiting.“Shit,” Clemenza said, they want us back in Long Beach.They got some other job for us now.Sonny says we can let this one go until later.可怕的还是电话中弹,那一串串警告的铃声,把战场从门外的信箱扩至书房的腹地,默片变成了身历声,假想敌在实弹射击了。
They drove to a motel ten minutes farther out on Sunrise Highway and turned into its courtyard. RoccoLampone, leaving his two men in the car, went to one of the little chalet-type bungalows.他们把汽车开进旅馆的大院子,罗科 - 拉朋让他的两个助手留在汽车里,自己下车,向着一排排供游客休假的小平房走去,走到一个小房门前停下脚步。
Even more surprising, the man in charge at the gate was RoccoLampone, and Carlo knew that Rocco was of too high a rank in the Family to be pulling such menial duty unless something extraordinary was afoot.甚至更加莫名其妙的是,负责守大门的居然是罗科 - 拉朋。 卡罗知道,罗科在考利昂家族的地位是很高的,除非发生了异常事件,一般他是不会屈尊执行这种任务的。




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