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词汇 Lake Powell
释义 Lake Powell

the second largest reservoir in the United States; located in southern Utah and north central Arizona and formed by the Glen Canyon Dam on the Colorado RiverCaption:: Two boulders with very different tales sit on the shore of Padre Bay, an arm ofLake Powell.两块大圆石各有各的际遇,如今一起坐在鲍威尔湖的支流帕德拉湾边。
You may take an optional cruise onLake Powell, with a shoreline of 1960 miles to Navajo Indian Reservation.同时,可以自费乘船游览包伟湖,其湖岸线长1960英哩,其中有96个峡谷,犹如将大峡谷搬到湖上一般。
Tour fare includes Saguaro, White Sands,Lake Powell, Monument Valley,Petrified Forest National Park entrance fee.团费包括:仙人掌、白沙、包伟湖、纪念碑山谷、石化林国家公园门票。
Includes Biosphere 2, Carlsbad Cavern, Balloon museum, Antelope Canyon Jeep Tour,Lake PowellCruise.包括2号生物圈、大水晶钟乳石洞、热气球博物馆、羚羊峡谷吉普车之旅、包伟湖游船。
The Dirty Devil River snakes its way towardLake Powellthrough the chiseled features of Utah's Colorado Plateau. The snowcapped Henry Mountains can be seen in the background.意译:高原图片集。这污秽难以对付的河流围绕朝着鲍威尔湖穿过那有雕琢特征的犹他州的科罗拉多高原。那白雪覆盖亨利山顶能够看见在背景。
Chemist Nolan F. Mangelson and his colleagues at Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, have been collecting and analyzing hair from rodents found in Utah'sLake PowellRecreation Area.美国犹他州普罗沃市布里格姆 - 扬大学的化学家曼格尔森和他的同事们在犹他湖鲍威尔休养区收集并分析了啮齿类动物的毛发。




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