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Lake Donghu 基本例句 东湖 Comparedwithmanyother eutrophic lakeswith similaror even lower nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass in Lake Donghu was much lower.相对于东湖较高的营养盐含量,其浮游植物生物量相对较低。 Compared with many other eutrophic lakes with similar or even lower nutrient concentrations, phytoplankton biomass in Lake Donghu was much lower.相对于东湖较高的营养盐含量,其浮游植物生物量相对较低。 The population vicariance of Stentor coeruleus in Lake Donghu,Wuhan东湖天蓝喇叭虫种群的离散分化 FUZZY CLUSTER ANALYSIS OF POLLUTION IN LAKE DONGHU ECOSYSTEM东湖生态系统污染状况的FUZZY聚类分析 Keywords lake Donghu;sediment;excess phosphorus loading;isogram;东湖;沉积物;超额磷负荷;等值线图; Time series models and regressive analysis of fish yield in Lake Donghu, Wuhan武汉东湖鱼产量时间序列模型及回归分析 |