

单词 laden with
释义 laden with短语¹⁴⁶³⁰
Americans may seek to reinvent the United States, and thrive in a new world that is more complex but also laden with opportunity.
美国人应上下求索,重塑美国。一个新的世界,正在蓬勃发展,它里面,既纷繁复杂,又充满机遇。 yeeyan

In recent months the government claims to have sunk three of these ships, laden with guns bought in Indonesia.
最近几个月,政府宣布击沉了装满从印度尼西亚购买的枪炮的船队中的三艘。 ecocn

In New York City's harbor, ships laden with thousands of containers filled with goods of all kinds will end their long journey across the sea.
在纽约港,载满成千上万只装着各种货物的集装箱的船只在这里结束它们漂洋过海的长途跋涉。 yeeyan

McCain said the bill is laden with unnecessary projects added by individual members of Congress.
麦凯恩说,这个法案充满不必要的项目,这些项目都是个别国会议员塞进去的。 ebigear

Mr Lebedev points to a truck laden with logs emerging from a small path in the forest.
在他手指的方向有一辆卡车满载着原木出现在林中的一条小路上。 yeeyan

Only the very occasional lorry laden with vegetables trundles over the frontier.
只是偶然有载满蔬菜的货车开过边境。 ecocn

Satellites laden with solar panels that can beam their energy down24 hours a day have been discussed for decades.
载满太阳能板,能24小时输送电力的卫星已经被讨论了几十年了。 yeeyan

Still laden with debt from the purchase of Alcan, Rio was beginning to suffer from the economic down draught by the end of2008.
2008年底,力拓受世界经济倒退的影响开始显现,与此同时它仍然因为之前购买加拿大铝业公司而负载累累。 ecocn

Within days of Myanmar's cyclone, three existing blue-water navies—those of America, France and Britain—had ships off the country's coast, laden with supplies see article.
在缅甸风在发生几天后,三个现存的拥有蓝海海军的国家——美国,英国,法国把载满物资的军舰开到了缅甸海岸。 ecocn




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