

单词 lactose intolerance
释义 lactose intolerance ˈlækˌtosɪnˈtɑlərəns 短语⁶⁹⁸⁹⁵

congenital disorder consisting of an inability to digest milk and milk products; absence or deficiency of lactase results in an inability to hydrolyze lactose近义词 milk intolerance不耐乳症lactase deficiency乳糖酶匮乏
Aren't most Chinese sensitive to undigested lactose?难道大多数中国人不是乳糖不耐受的吗?
Congenitallactose intoleranceis very rare and is an inherited metabolic disorder rather than an allergy.先天性的乳糖不耐受是非常罕见的遗传性的代谢紊乱,而并非过敏。 Objective: There were indicates that colon fermentation might play an important role in the development of lactose intolerance.
目的:了解肠道细菌发酵产生短链脂肪酸的情况,为乳糖不耐症状的发生提供依据。 dictall

Sometimes, gas indicates a digestive disorder, such as irritable bowel syndrome or lactose intolerance.
有时,肠内气体意味着消化障碍,例如肠激惹综合症或乳糖不耐症。 yeeyan

The lactase biotechnology was applied to produce low lactose milk so as to meet the needs of consumers suffering from lactose intolerance.
应用乳糖酶生物技术生产低乳糖奶,满足乳糖不耐症人群的需求。 cnki

This programme gives a brief introduction about milk sensitive and lactose intolerance. The reason why drinking milk can improve sleeping quality is also explained.
本节目对于牛奶敏感、什麽是乳糖不耐症,饮奶是否能帮助睡眠都有作详细介绍。 hkedcity

Lactose intolerance stems from a deficiency of the enzyme lactase, which is needed to help digest lactose, a sugar in milk.
乳糖不耐症的病因是缺乏乳糖酶,这些乳糖酶是消化乳糖的必需物质,牛奶中的糖就属于此类。 ebigear

Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest lactose, the sugar found in milk.
乳糖不耐症是指乳糖吸收功能障碍,这些乳糖存在于牛奶中。 yeeyan

Lactose intolerance occurs in children as well, but not as frequently.
乳糖不耐症发生在儿童一样,但不作为频繁。 yonghua




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