

单词 lactation
释义 lac·ta·tion 英lækˈteɪʃən美lækˈteʃənAHDlăk-tāʹshən ☆☆☆☆☆高MCOCA⁴¹⁹⁵³BNC³⁹⁷⁰⁵iWeb¹⁸³³⁵

the period following birth during which milk is secreted;

lactation normally continues until weaning

the production and secretion of milk by the mammary glandsfeeding an infant by giving suck at the breastlactate分泌乳汁stage of lactation肥育期lactation factor维生素lactation period泌乳期lactation failure哺乳性盲lactation atrophy哺乳期子宫萎缩…lactation blindness哺乳性盲lactation length泌乳期lactation hormone催乳激素stimulation of lactation催乳promoting lactation通乳汁lactation curve泌乳曲线lactation mammary abscess乳腺哺乳期脓肿…induced lactation诱导泌乳
lactate分泌乳汁+ion名词后缀→泌乳⇒哺乳期。近义词 Suckling还在吃母奶的婴儿或幼兽…

用作名词There is the effect that accelerates galactic eduction inlactation.在〈哺乳期〉有促进乳汁排出的作用。
Lactation is the final phase of the reproductive cycle of mammals.泌乳是哺乳动物繁殖周期的最后阶段。
Amazingly little is known about humanlactationor nursing.对人类哺育婴儿或哺乳所知甚少。as in.sucking
同义词 suction
suckingnoun removal of liquid
suction Consumers in other markets are also shunning any hopes of a human lactation sensation.
其他市场上的消费者也同样避免这任何有人类哺乳感得期望。 yeeyan

For example, a new father has elevated levels of the hormone prolactin— usually associated with lactation in women— that trigger his nurturing instinct.
例如,新爸爸的催乳激素量这一般是与哺乳期妇女有联系的增加,从而激发其教养孩子的本能。 yeeyan

If problem still occurs consider delaying the change to lactation ration until after farrowing is complete.
如果还有问题发生就要考虑把食物转换成乳汁配给食物,直到分娩全部完成。 iciba

In addition, unit of choose and employ persons can lower base pay in female worker lactation anything but, perhaps remove labor contract.
此外,用人单位决不可以在女职工哺乳期降低基本工资,或者解除劳动合同。 iciba

Look for a certified lactation consultant or you call your La Leche League.
寻找一个有证明的哺乳顾问或者拜访你的母乳育婴联盟。 yeeyan

Many women give up because they don't have good support and the guidance of a trained lactation consultant.
许多女性放弃母乳喂养就是因为她们没有哺育咨询师的支持和引导。 yeeyan

Produced naturally in the body, oxytocin can trigger labor contractions and lactation in women.
后叶催产素在女性分娩和哺乳等情况下会在体内自然产生。 yeeyan

Restrict factors of blue fox is survival rate low of newborn blue fox during lactation.
哺乳期仔狐成活率低一直是蓝狐生产的制约因素。 iciba

Scientists conducted an experiment on two groups of rats during pregnancy and lactation.
科学家们利用两组正在怀孕和哺乳期的大鼠进行对比试验。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Show mothers how to breastfeed and how to maintain lactation even if they should be separated from their infants.
指导母亲如何哺乳,以及在需要与其婴儿分开的情况下如何保持泌乳。 who

Studies have shown that pregnancy and lactation significantly lower a woman’s sex drive by decreasing her usual supply of testosterone- related hormones, estrogen and DHEAS.
研究显示怀孕哺乳会降低女性的性欲,以节省她日常需要的睾丸激素相关的荷尔蒙,雌激素和脱氢表雄酮。 yeeyan

The women will receive 5, 000 IUs of vitamin D3 during gestation and 7, 000 IUs during lactation.
这名女性将在孕期被注入5,000国际单位的维生素 D3,在哺乳期将被注入7,000国际单位。 yeeyan

There are thousands of recorded cases of lactation in male prisoners of war where starvation led to a diseased liver failing to break down the hormones essential for breast-feeding.
有数千起记录在案的男性战俘授乳的案例——饥饿导致患病的肝脏不能分解哺乳必需的激素。 yeeyan

We should be looking at hormone production during late pregnancy and lactation.
应该对怀孕后期和哺乳期荷尔蒙产生的过程作研究。 yeeyan

Well- planned vegetarian diets are appropriate for individuals during all stages of the life- cycle including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood and adolescence and for athletes.
安排得当的素食饮食适合于生命周期的任何阶段:孕期、哺乳期、婴儿期、儿童期、青少年期以及运动员。 yeeyan




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