

单词 lack
释义 lack 英læk美lækAHDlăk ★★★★☆高四研IT牛4八COCA¹³⁹⁶BNC⁹⁶¹iWeb¹⁴⁶⁸Economist⁷⁹⁵
vt. 缺少;缺乏

be not enough;have less or little


the state of not having enough of sth

the state of needing something that is absent or unavailable;

there is a serious lack of insight into the problem

water is the critical deficiency in desert regions

for want of a nail the shoe was lost

be without;

This soup lacks salt

There is something missing in my jewelry box!


❌ He is lacking in money〔time〕.

✔️ Time〔Money〕 is lacking.

lack in只能用于有关人、物、事本质上的性质缺乏,而不可用于时间和金钱。


❌ He is lack of money.

✔️ He lacks money.

lack不是形容词,不可说be lack of。


❌ Conscience was lacked to him.

✔️ He completely lacks conscience.


❌ Common sense was lacked to that fellow.

✔️ That fellow lacks common sense.



❌ The scientist abandoned his research because of the lack of funds.

✔️ The scientist abandoned his research for lack of funds.


❌ Peter was severely lectured because of the lack of consideration to his mother.

✔️ Peter was severely lectured for lack of consideration to his mother.

表示“因缺乏”,可用for〔by,from,through〕 lack of,但不能用because of the lack of。

lack, be deficient in, want


1.lack指完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏,在用法上, lack 后面不能接动名词。


She is wanting in common sense.她缺乏常识。
You shall never want while I have any money left.只要我有余钱,就不会叫你缺少什么。

3.be deficient in则是具体或明确地指出、说明在某方面缺少或不足。例如:

This food is deficient in iron.这种食物缺乏铁。
Nothing was deficient in this project.这项工程什么都不缺。lack, fall short of

这两者意思并不相同:lack的意思是“缺乏”;而fall short of的意思是“没有达到”。例如:

He has the ability to work well, but he lacks confidence.他有能力把工作做好,但他缺乏信心。

The movie fell short of expectation. 影片没有人们想象中的好。

The salary increases fell short of what they expected. 工资增加没有他们期待的那样多。

lack for, want for

这两个短语都可表示“缺乏必要的或想要的东西”,意义相近,常可互换,只是前者表示“客观缺乏什么”,而后者则进一步表明“主观上想要”,且lack for的意味比want for的意味弱。例如:

As he is very rich he lacks for nothing.他很富有,什么也不缺。
We should not want for food.我们不会缺少食物。
lack, absence, shortage, want


1.从内容上说:absence指在某一特定的场合应具备或想要的某一事物或事实; lack指应具备或需要的东西; shortage指按规定应具备或需要的数量; want则指缺少必不可少的东西,尤指为一整体的完美所必须具备的东西。

2.从程度上说:absence指根本就不存在; lack指完全没有或不够充足; shortage指部分短缺或开始减少; want则指缺少。

3.从用法上说:absence, lack和want都是不可数名词,间或可加不定冠词; 而shortage可用作不可数名词,也可用作可数名词。














用作动词 v.
~+名词lack courage缺乏勇气lack ten minutes差十分钟lack the experience缺少经验~+副词lack abruptly突然缺乏lack absolutely绝对缺乏lack abundantly完全缺乏lack accidentally偶然地缺乏lack bewilderingly使人迷惑地缺乏lack completely完全缺乏lack considerably非常缺乏lack conspicuously明显地缺乏lack deliberately故意缺乏lack entirely完全地缺乏lack essentially基本缺乏lack excessively过多缺乏lack exclusively完全地缺乏lack financially资金上地缺乏lack gradually渐渐地缺乏lack gravely严重地缺乏lack illogically不合逻辑地缺乏lack impossibly不可能缺乏lack incessantly持续不断地缺乏lack inevitably不可避免地缺乏lack insistently明显地缺乏lack irrelevantly不相关地缺乏lack liberally大量地缺乏lack logically情理之中地缺乏lack materially物质上缺乏lack obviously明显地缺乏lack powerfully十分缺乏lack practically实在缺乏lack prematurely提前地缺乏lack primarily首要缺乏lack principally主要缺乏lack probably很可能缺乏lack repeatedly多次地缺乏lack resolutely绝对地缺乏lack sadly严重地缺乏lack seriously严重地缺乏lack severely严重缺乏lack simultaneously同一时间地缺乏lack substantially实实在在地缺乏lack superficially表面上缺乏lack tentatively暂时缺乏lack thoroughly彻底缺乏lack unanimously一致缺乏lack undoubtedly毫无疑问缺乏lack unexpectedly意外地缺乏lack unfavourably产生不利的缺乏lack unhesitatingly毫不迟疑地缺乏lack universally普遍缺乏lack unmistakably显而易见地缺乏lack unreasonably不合理地缺乏lack utterly完全缺乏lack visibly明显地缺乏lack vitally极其缺乏lack voluntarily有意缺乏~+介词lack for money缺钱lack for nothing什么都不缺lack for plan缺少计划lack in缺乏某种品质、特点等lack in courage缺乏勇气lack in energy缺乏精力lack in strength缺乏力量用作名词 n.动词+~create the lack造成缺乏ease the lack解决缺乏feel a lack感到不足〔缺乏〕have no lack不缺乏make up the lack弥补不足recognize a lack承认缺乏,认识到不足sense a lack意识到不足〔缺乏〕show a lack表现出不足supply a lack补缺形容词+~acute lack严重缺乏complete lack完全短缺,完全缺少desperate lack严重不足general lack普遍不足growing lack日益缺乏housing lack住房短缺serious lack严重缺乏severe lack严重缺乏名词+~food lack食品短缺fuel lacks燃料缺乏labor lack劳力短缺material lack材料的短缺teacher lack师资短缺wartime lack战时各种物资的短缺介词+~by lack of因缺…,因没有…for lack of因缺…,因没有…through lack of因缺…,因没有…~+介词lack of缺少…lack of common sense缺乏普通常识lack of energy能源短缺lack of experience缺乏经验lack of fuel燃料的短缺lack of funds资金不足lack of information信息不足lack of interest兴趣不足lack of method缺乏办法lack of money钱不够lack of proper protect缺乏适当的保护lack of qualities品质差lack of resources资源短缺lack of sleep缺少睡眠lack of space缺少篇幅lack of time缺乏时间lack of water缺水
lack for v.+prep.

缺少,缺乏have need of sth

lack for sb/sthShe does not lack for friends.她不缺朋友。
He will not lack for advisers.他会有很多出谋划策的人。
The children lack for nothing although the parents are poorly dressed.这些小孩什么都不缺,虽然他们的父母穿得不好。
I will see that you lack for nothing while you attend college.我要使你上大学时样样齐备。
Nothing is lacking for our plan.按我们的计划,什么也不缺了。
They do not lack for funds.他们不缺资金。
You shall never lack for money while I am alive.我活着你就永远不会缺钱。
Because money was lacking for the project, the committee did not approve this project.委员会没有批准这个项目,因为该项目缺乏经费。
She has a wealthy childhood, never lacking for toys or books.她有一个不愁吃不愁穿的童年,从来不缺玩具和书籍。
Space lacks for a detailed description of it.篇幅有限,不能对此详加描述。
Time lacks for full explanation.没有时间做充分的解释。lack sth for sthHe lacks the qualifications for the post.他不具备担任这一职务的资格。be lacking

缺乏;没有be in short of;be not available

be lackingMoney is lacking.钱不够。
The necessary chemicals are lacking.必要的化学药品缺乏。
These conditions are still lacking.这些条件还不具备。be lacking in sthThis evening newspaper is lacking in analytical articles.这家晚报缺少分析性文章。
Even if the play is lacking in conflict, it does have some superb poetry and a wealth of high astounding terms.这个剧本即使缺乏冲突,倒还有优美的诗句和不少惊人的妙语。
The room is lacking in colour.这间房缺乏色彩。
She was lacking in mathematical training.她缺乏数学训练。
His reception of us was lacking in warmth.他接待我们不够热情。
He is lacking in responsibility.他缺乏责任心。
None of his plans ever comes through because he is lacking in determination.他的计划没有一个成功,因为他没有决心。
Humour is lacking in his speech.他讲话缺乏幽默。
He is lacking in technical know-how.他缺乏技术知识。
He is lacking in manners.他没有礼貌。
She was lacking in wisdom.她缺少智慧。
We are poor, but we are not lacking in spirit.我们人穷志不穷。
He seems to be lacking in frankness.他似乎不够坦率。
A diet lacking in nutritional value will not keep a person healthy.缺乏营养价值的饮食不能维持人的健康。
Before we had a child we felt that there was something lacking in our lives.在我们没有孩子的时候,总觉得生活中缺少什么。
Though lacking in fluency, he spoke to the point.他说得不流利但能切中要害。用作名词n.by lack of

不足,因…而没有 the state of not having enough of sth

for lack of

缺乏,因…而没有 the state of not having enough of sth

from lack of

不足,因…而没有 the state of not having enough of sth

the lack of

…不足 the state of not having enough of sth

非常记忆la辣〖拼音〗+ck厨师〖熟词cook〗⇒没有辣椒让厨师很发愁近义词 needwantrequireshortagen. absencewantv. miss反义词 profusionn. abundance
S+~+ n./pron.We must note that we still lack qualified specialists.我们必须看到我们还缺乏有资质的专家。
I can't seem to lack anything.我好像什么都不缺。
We lacked food.我们没有食物。
We lack neither food nor clothing today.如今,我们不愁吃,不缺穿。
We never lack food and clothing if we're willing to work.如果我们愿意工作,就不会缺吃少穿。
The city lacks a good library.这个城市缺少一个好图书馆。
But they could not finish their work because they lacked money.但是,他们无法完成这一工作,因为缺少钱。
They met with many difficulties, for they lacked equipment, experience and technical data.因为缺少设备,缺乏经验和技术资料,他们遇到不少困难。
Red soil lacks organic matter.红土缺乏有机质。
A desert lacks water.沙漠缺乏水。
It lacks ten minutes of seven.现在是七点差十分。
The vote lacks three of being a majority.差三张选票就过半数。
He lacks decision.他缺乏决断力。
He wanted to say no, but lacked the courage.他想不同意,但又没有勇气这样说。
I lack words with which to express my thanks.我无法以言语来表达我的感激之情。
The company lacks sufficient money to invest in new products.公司没有足够的钱对新产品投资。
She lacks the strength to do the work.做这项工作不是她力所能及的。
We lacked the strength to walk any further.我们没有力气再往前走了。
I lacked the stamina to run the whole length of the race.我没有跑完全程的精力。
We lacked the experience to succeed.我们缺乏取得成功的经验。用作名词n.He exhibited a complete lack of concern for others.他表现出对别人的漠不关心。
Hard work can often make up for a lack of ability.努力工作经常可以弥补能力的不足。
Their failure to reply to our letter seems to imply a lack of interest.他们没有回我们的信,似乎暗示他们缺乏兴趣。
Wrong opinions often proceed from a lack of information.错误的看法往往产生于不了解情况。
Lack of time prevented me from writing to you.由于没有时间,我没能给你写信。
Some people refer all the troubles to bad luck instead of lack of ability.有些人把自己所有的苦恼都归咎于运气不佳,而不认为是缺乏能力。
My sister has been preaching at me again about my lack of neatness.我姐姐又在跟我唠叨,要我改掉不爱整洁的毛病。
Henry's lack of money kept him from going to the conference.亨利由于缺钱,不能去参加会议。
You show promise as a musician but your lack of practice is keeping you back.作为音乐家,你有很大的前途,但是缺乏实践,影响你的发展。
His difficulties issue from his lack of knowledge.他的困难是由于知识贫乏造成的。
She used her good looks to compensate her lack of intelligence.她利用她漂亮的外表来弥补智力的不足。
John failed to win the prize, and he charged it to his lack of experience.约翰没能得奖,他说是因为经验不足。
His mistakes betrayed his lack of education.他的种种错误显示出他缺乏教育。Plackinga.缺乏的不足的Placklustrea.无光泽的无生气的n.无光泽无生气Placklustera.没有光泽的无生气的平凡的n.无光泽无生气暗淡


lack的基本意思是“缺少”“缺乏”,指某物完全没有或有而不足,所缺之物可好可坏。lack也可用于抽象事物,指缺少某种品质或某物缺少某种性质、特点。如character, training, imagination, tact, individuality, evidence, money, strength, courage, interest, humour 等。






用作名词Her decision seems to show alackof political judgement.她的决定似乎显示出缺乏政治判断力。
In a cold winter, many wild animals can die fromlackof food.在严寒的冬天,很多野生动物可能因缺乏食物而死去。用作动词I tell you, people willlackthe means to live.我告诉你,人们将缺乏生活资料。
He is good at his job but he seems tolackconfidence.他工作不错,但似乎缺乏信心。noun.deficiency, need
同义词 absence,dearth,inadequacy,loss,paucity,poverty,reduction,scarcity,shortage,shortcoming,shortfallabridgement,curtailment,decrease,default,defect,deficit,depletion,deprivation,destitution,distress,exigency,exiguity,inferiority,insufficiency,meagerness,miss,necessity,privation,retrenchment,scantiness,shortness,shrinkage,shrinking,slightness,stint,wantinsufficience
反义词 abundance,affluence,enough,excess,plenty,success,sufficiency,addition,advantage,enlargement,expansion,increase,perfectionextra,lot,plethora,profusion,surplusverb.do not have
同义词 need,require,wantminus,miss,outbe deficient in,be short of,be without,have need of,hurting for,not got,too little too late
反义词 dislike,have
absencenoun state of lacking something needed or usual
bankruptcynoun inability to pay debts
Chapter 11,defalcation,default,destituteness,destitution,disaster,exhaustion,failure,indebtedness,indigence,insolvency,lack,liquidation,loss,nonpayment,overdraft,pauperism,privation,repudiation,ruin,ruination
call forverb demand;entail
ask for,inquire,involve,lack,necessitate,need,occasion,request,require,suggest,want
called forverb demand;entail
asked for,inquired,involved,lacked,necessitated,needed,occasioned,requested,required,suggested,wanted
calls forverb demand;entail
asks for,inquires,involves,lacks,necessitates,needs,occasions,requests,requires,suggests,wants
dearthnoun insufficiency, scarcity
absence,default,defect,deficiency,exiguousness,famine,inadequacy,infrequency,lack,meagerness,miss,need,paucity,poverty,privation,rareness,scantiness,scantness,shortage,slim pickings,sparsity,uncommonness,want And what do you lack?
那么,你缺少什么呢? ebigear

Does he lack anything?
他还缺少什么呢? ebigear

“ We have all this great physics for figuring out how heat moves in a building, but what we lack is how people behave, ” he says.
我们有的是所有优秀的物理学,可以计算热力如何在大楼中移动,但是我们没有的学问是,人们会怎麽行动。 yeeyan

“ We lack everything, ” he said.
“我们缺少每样事物,”他说。 yeeyan

Another problem of cigarettes as money is their lack of durability.
香烟作为货币的另一个问题是它缺少耐久性。 yeeyan

But what about the lack of storage?
但存储容量不足怎么办? ebigear

He decried the lack of support for the arts in this country.

I extend sincere apologies to the president for this lack of civility.
我为这种缺乏礼貌的行为向总统致以诚挚的歉意。 yeeyan

I only lack someone to talk to in the evening.
我只缺少一个可以在晚上聊聊的人。 yeeyan

Lady Ashton is undoubtedly stretched, and not merely by lack of experience or an inability to be in two places at once.
毫无疑问,艾什顿女士感觉到力不从心,不仅是因为缺少经验,还有不能同时出现在两个地方。 ecocn

She put his failure to lack of experience.

So far, we lack not the means, but only the will and the leadership.
到目前为止,我们缺乏的不是手段,而是意志和领导能力。 yeeyan

So that's an insight that you get through this one which you lack through that other method.

The study highlights how these adults have unique circumstances, such as fear of discrimination and often the lack of children to help them.
该研究强调了这些成年人的独特的生存环境,比如他们害怕歧视,以及通常没有子女来帮助他们。 yeeyan

They got around the lack of chairs by sitting on the floor.

They lack the force of conviction.
他们缺乏信念的力量。 yeeyan

They lack adequate context as well.
它们也缺乏足够的上下文。 ibm

Those who lack imagination can't conceive of the world being better or different from what it is, so why would they be concerned about changing it?
那些缺乏想象力的人,不能从当前的境况中想象这个世界正在变得更好还是正相反,那么他们怎会关心去改变它呢? yeeyan

You may lack all these external, material things, but you have all you need inside of you.
你可能缺少所有外部的、物质的东西,但是你只需要内在的自我就可以了。 yeeyan

Lack of compatibility with other hardware components and some software, like system imaging programs.
缺乏与其他硬件组件和软件的兼容性,比如系统映像程序。 yeeyan




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