

单词 lab coat
释义 lab coat læb kəut 短语³⁵⁹⁹⁵

a light coat worn to protect clothing from substances used while working in a laboratory近义词 laboratory coat实验外衣
A man in a white lab coat stepped inside and shut the door behind him.
一位身着白大褂的男子走了进来,关上了身后的房门。 kidfanschannel

A middle-aged woman in a white lab coat opened it immediately.
一个穿白大褂的中年妇女立刻打开了门。 yeeyan

Her gaze dropped to the files stacked so neatly in front of her. She spotted a streak of blue ink staining the sleeve of her lab coat.
她盯着桌上堆放整齐的两叠文件,却一不小心余光扫到白大褂袖子上的一道蓝墨水。 yeeyan

She glanced around the room, searching for the lab coat as though her life depended on it.
她在房间里四处扫视,仿佛在寻找救命稻草似的。 yeeyan

There are plenty more surprising six-figure jobs that don't require a necktie or lab coat.
还有许多更令人惊奇的六位数年薪的工作,这些工作并不需要打领带或穿白大衣。 yeeyan

Upstairs, a chemist, clad in a white lab coat, mixes ingredients in test tubes to develop a new' new car' fragrance for auto interiors.
在他们楼上,一位身穿白大褂的化学工程师正在试管里调配各种化学原料,以开发一种用于车内的新型芬芳剂。 blog.sina.com.cn




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