释义 |
K value 基本例句 开氏温度值 The factors of distance, hole diameter,K valueand temperature affecting the measuring precision ofK valueof angle probe were analyzed.分析距离、孔径、K值和温度等影响斜探头K值测量精度的因素。 The four main contents in cement clinker were prepared by CP raw materials, and then were studied quantitatively by XRDK valuemethod.用化学纯原料制成水泥熟料中的四个主要矿物即C3S ,C2 S ,C3A和C4 AF ; A process method that only the ascendable circumstances of SPRSQ are considered and the delinable circumstances of SPRSQ are shielded, is used to calculate the bestK value.采用了一种“将SPR-SQ减小的情况屏蔽,只考虑SPRSQ增加的情况”的处理方法,来实现最佳聚类个数K的选择。 |