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词汇 Kuytun
释义 Kuytun
While wandering on streets of Shihezi City,KuytunCity, Wujiaqu City, Alar City, Tumushuke City, it is very hard to believe these cities of the Corps are so young.漫步在石河子市、奎屯市、五家渠市、阿拉尔市、图木舒克市的街头,很难相信这些兵团城市是如此年轻。
Kuytunfrom the lake, peak Friendship, and other mountain glaciers melt water and local precipitation from the surface or underground spilled into the Kanas Lake.湖水来自奎屯、友谊峰等山的冰川融水和当地降水,从地表或地下泻入喀纳斯湖。
Xinjiang has built digital microwave trunk circuits linking Urumqi with Ili throughKuytunand Bole, linkingKuytunwith Altay through Karamay, and from Turpan to Hotan through Korla, Aksu and Kashi.新疆目前已先后建成了乌鲁木齐经奎屯、博乐至伊犁,奎屯经克拉玛依到阿勒泰,吐鲁番经库尔勒、阿克苏、喀什至和田的数字微波干线电路;
Xinjiang has built digital microwave trunk circuits linking Urumqi with Ili throughKuytunand Bole,linkingKuytunwith Altay through Karamay,and from Turpan to Hotan through Korla,Aksu and Kashi.新疆目前已先后建成了乌鲁木齐经奎屯、博乐至伊犁,奎屯经克拉玛依到阿勒泰,吐鲁番经库尔勒、阿克苏、喀什至和田的数字微波干线电路;
Preliminary Study on City Recombine ofKuytun, Usu and Dushanzi奎屯、乌苏和独山子地区城市重组策略初探
Effect of Withered and Verticillium Wilts of Cotton inKuytunReclamation Area on the Yield and Their Control Tactics奎屯垦区棉花枯、黄萎病对产量的影响及防治策略




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