释义 |
Kunlong 基本例句 n.滚弄在缅甸;东经 98º39' 北纬 23º21' The armed plunder and the peaceful way to get theKunlongJades by the political characters are also the important ways that made theKunlongJades transported to the east.此外,武力劫掠和政治上层以和平的外交手段获得昆仑玉,也是昆仑玉东输的重要方式。 Zhen Zhibin, BenKunlong, Tian Baoping, Zheng Yongtang. 1992 Serological survey for antibodies to simian type D retrovirus of macaque colony in China. Journal of Medical Primatology ., 21: 87-90.陈志斌、贲昆龙、田保平、郑永唐1992中国猴群的猴D型逆转病毒抗体的血清学调查。医学灵长类学杂志,21:87-90。 KunlongJade昆仑玉 KunlongMountain昆仑山 |