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词汇 Kunju
释义 Kunju
In theKunjuOpera,Shi Qian Stole The Armor,he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing.在《盗 甲》一剧中以五张桌子高度翻腾而下,令人叫绝,重现《鼓上蚤》时迁的英姿。
In theKunjuOpera, Shi Qian Stole The Armor, he turned a somersault form the top of five tables in hight and reappeared Shi Qian's heroic bearing.在《盗甲》一剧中以五张桌子高度翻腾而下,令人叫绝,重现《鼓上蚤》时迁的英姿。
He is director of ChineseKunjuOpera Research Institute,director of Chinese Dramatist Association and director of Shanghai Dramatist Association.他现为中国昆剧研究会理事、中国戏剧家协会理事、上海戏剧家协会理事。
He is director of ChineseKunjuOpera Research Institute, director of Chinese Dramatist Association and director of Shanghai Dramatist Association.现 为 中 国 昆 剧 研 究 会 理 事、中 国 戏 剧 家 协 会 理 事、上 海 戏 剧 家 协 会 理 事。
InKunjuOperas Mountain Kiosk, To Meet At Old Town, Zhong Kui Took His Younger Sister In Marriage, Hui Ming Delivered A Letter, etc, he portrayed many vivid characters.在《山 亭》、《刀 会》、《古 城 会》、《钟 馗 嫁 妹》和《惠 明 下 书》等 剧 目 中,所 演 人 物 形 象 生 动,唱 做 俱 佳。




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