释义 |
Kukup 基本例句 n.龟咯在马来西亚;东经 103º27' 北纬 1º19' Fishermen's Jetty used by bothKukupLaut and Ayer Masin villagers.这是几年前的渔人码头,现在已经提升到以钢骨水泥坚固的码头了。 This is the main entrance of theKukupLaut Fishing Village, located in between the Tong San Seafood Restaurant and Kwee Lim.进入龟咯渔村的入口“大路”,就在东山海鲜楼跟桂林的中间。 In between Tong San and Kwee Lin, there is a bridge-road leading into the village.That is the main entrance road toKukupLaut Fishing Village.在桂林跟东山之间有一条桥路,这条桥路就势龟咯港脚度假村的进口大路。 The Tze Teck Temple is the most popular and must-visit tourist attraction. The 3-storey high building behind the temple provide a good view for the wholeKukupLaut village.著名的龟咯景点之一的“慈德庙”,其美奂美轮的建筑物,以及其庙后的三层楼龟咯最高处,可以鸟瞰整个龟咯,已经是游客必到的景点。“慈德庙”供奉的是黄老仙师。 TheKukupFishermen's Jetty located at the right-hand side of the main road is shared among the people of bothKukupLaut and Ayer Masin Fishng Village.这是两村龟咯港脚与咸水港共用的渔人码头,就位于龙皇海鲜楼的旁边。 View from the rear of aKukuphouse. Peaceful and quiet sea, very calm and windy, cooling sea breeze darkening the scence slowly as the evening approaches.当夕阳西下,平静的海,凉爽的风,构成了一幅非常恬静优美,让人心旷神怡的景色,难怪那么多的旅客对龟咯趋之若骛。 |