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词汇 Kubera
释义 Kubera
He is the Buddhist counterpart ofKubera, the Brahmanical god of riches.此尊头戴宝冠,面庞方阔,蹙眉怒目,虬须络腮,仪态威武。
On March 3rd, H.E The 7th Dzogchen Khangsar Saviour held aKuberaCeremony at Peking Hotel in Beijing.尊贵的七世佐钦康萨怙主3月3日在北京饭店做财宝法事。
This is the most powerful statue of Padmasambahava's YellowKuberaever seen in the world, which is also one of the family heirlooms of the Dzogchen Khangsar Family.这是全世界历史上最具加持力的一尊莲师黄财神像,是佐钦康萨家族的传家之宝。
According to the Buddhist Scriptures, if the followers practice the YellowKubera's Dharma, he can increase his financial resources, casting off poverty and all economics burdens.修持供养黄财神可得不可思议的财富,可增长福德、寿命、智慧和精神上的受用。
According to the Buddhist Scriptures, if the follower practices the YellowKubera's Dharma, he can increase his financial resources, casting off poverty and all the economics burdens.修习此法,持诵念咒,可获黄财神庇佑,能财源茂盛,免除穷困。但修法者需发无上菩提心,广结善缘,勤行布施。万勿悭贪成性,否则护法会降罪的。
Kubera, the god of wealth, with the north;俱吠罗,财富之神,负责北方;




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