

单词 kryptonite
释义 kryptonite 英'krɪptənaɪt美'krɪptənaɪt COCA⁷⁷⁹⁹³BNC⁶⁹⁵⁰⁴iWeb²⁸¹⁷²
Even though he was married, he did this several times, and with different women, because the position of“ school principal” is evidently kryptonite to all women.
这样的事情居然在已婚的校长和不同女老师间发生过好几回——看来校长的位子是最好的春药哦。 yeeyan

Conservative satirists would love to toss some kryptonite at him, but he is a slippery target.
保守的讽刺家们自然乐于寻找一切机会向他扔几枚氪星弹【5】,结果发现他这个靶子滑溜溜地难抓。 ecocn

Even when he’s forced to hurl an entire continent made out of deadly Kryptonite into space, Superman bounces back from the brink of death.
就算他被迫向宇宙扔下一颗由致命的氪星碎片制成的一块大陆大小的炸弹,超人还是能从死亡边缘逃脱。 yeeyan

I suspect he'll get over it in time just like he triumphed over the Boston Celtics, a team that seemed like his Kryptonite for years.
我认为勒布朗能挺过来,就像他最终战胜波士顿凯尔特人,这样一支勒布朗克星似地球队那样。 yeeyan

Kyoto— which made no demands on developing countries and which the US refused to ratify— remains political kryptonite in Washington.
此前发展中国家在京都议定书中并未被做出承诺,而美国也拒绝批准这份协定。 目前,京都议定书仍然是华盛顿的死穴。 yeeyan

So in2006 what did Kryptonite do?
而在2006年 Kryptonite做了什么呢?163

Superman's only weakness is Kryptonite. Jack Bauer laughs at Superman for having a weakness.
超人唯一的弱点是氪,小强嘲笑超人有一个弱点。 vistapc

The Kryptonite New York U- Lock weighs in at4.5 pounds, and the Kryptonite New York Noose chain is a hefty6.8 pounds.
一个“氪石”纽约 U形锁重4.5磅,绞索链重6.8磅。 yeeyan

This will be like kryptonite to Agile projects.
这将击中敏捷项目的命门。 infoq

We desperately lack perspective because we are a society of workaholics, and workaholism is like kryptonite to perspective.
我们非常缺乏思想高度,因此成为一群工作狂。工作狂是高度的克星。 yeeyan




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