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词汇 Kranz
释义 Kranz krɑ:nts
Ulrich Kranz, a former Mini developer, runs Project i, and says more people want to work for the unit than he can hire.
Project i项目负责人乌瑞克•克兰茨,前 mini开发员,申请加入这个项目的人数远超过他需要的. yeeyan

According to Ulrich Kranz, the company’s resident futurologist, cars are “ a huge interactive system” that BMW manages.
根据该公司城市居住未来学家乌尔里希·克兰茨的说法,众多车辆将成为一个由宝马公司管理的“巨大的交互式系统”。 yeeyan

But the80- member team has increasingly focused on battery propulsion, Kranz says, as regulators around the world tighten emissions standards.
但 Kranz说随着世界各地的监管机构提高汽车尾气排放标准,这个拥有80个成员的研发团队正将精力日益集中于电池推进型汽车上面。 yeeyan

But with the electric Mini, Kranz says, “ you're driving the future.”
但 Kranz宣称,“拥有电动版MINI,你正驾驭未来。” yeeyan

Many of the veterans were rounded up and interviewed, but it was Kranz whose on- camera reminiscences ended the show.
很多执行过当年任务的“老人”都被聚集起来并接受了采访,但节目的结尾是以克朗兹出镜回忆结束。 yeeyan

To head Project i, Reithofer tapped one of his star executives, Senior Vice-President Ulrich Kranz, who was instrumental in transforming the British- built Mini into a hip, upscale brand.
雷瑟夫选中了他的一位明星高管:曾经在将英国制造的 MINI改造成为一个时髦、高端的品牌中发挥要作用的高级副总 Ulrich Kranz来领导 i项目。 yeeyan

Kranz and Lovell and the rest of the Apollo vets are, of course, also plainly, fallibly mortal — a fact betrayed not least by the fact that they're also now old.
当然,克朗兹、罗威尔还有其他执行阿波罗飞行任务的“老人”们总有一天会死去,而且他们现在已经老了。 yeeyan

Kranz will be77 this year, and still has the crewcut, the snapping speech cadences and the aggressive optimism he had when he was sending men to the moon.
今年克朗兹也即将年满77岁,但仍然留着平头,说话速度依然很快,而且保持积极乐观的态度,就像当年他把宇航员送上月球时一样。 yeeyan




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