释义 |
korsch 基本例句 科尔施 Through a severe criticism of the 2nd International vulgar Marxism,Korsch gave a new interpretation of Marxist philosophy.而柯尔施正是通过对第二国际的庸俗马克思主义所进行的猛烈批判,开启了一个对马克思哲学之阐释定向的反拨。 In the book “the Marxism And Philosophy”, Karl Korsch raised “the relationship between the Marxism and the philosophy ” explicitly as a question for the first time.卡尔·柯尔施在他的《马克思主义和哲学》一书中,首次明确地将“马克思主义和哲学的关系”作为一个问题提了出来。 Gramsci held different political views with Korsch and Lukacs,founders of the so-called western Marxism,such as his attitude towards Leninism and communist international.葛兰西同所谓“西马”创始人柯尔施、卢卡奇在政治立场和理论倾向上泾渭分明、针锋相对。 Philosophy,“Praxis” and “Hegemony”: On Ideology Theory of Gramsci and Korsch哲学、“实践”与“霸权”:柯尔施和葛兰西意识形态理论研究 |