

单词 Konya
释义 Kon·ia 英kɔːnˈjɑː美kɔnˈjɑAHDkôn-yäʹ Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
He also received a Whirling Dervish hat from the mayor ofKonyaon a visit to Turkey in November.查尔斯去年11月访问土耳其时,康亚市市长送给他一顶“僧侣帽”。
The fleet also has forward operating bases atKonyain Turkey, Aktion in Greece, Trapani in Italy, and Oerland, Norway.车队还前方作战基地;同时在科尼亚土耳其;aktion;希腊分站赛在意大利;而且oerland;挪威.
A city of southwest-central Turkey south of Ankara. Built on the site of an ancient Phrygian city,Konyawas a powerful Seljuk sultanate from the11th to the13th century. Population,329,139.科尼亚土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位于安卡拉以南,建在一个古代弗里吉亚城市的遗址上,从11世纪到13世纪,科尼亚是一个强大的塞尔柱苏丹帝国。人口329,139。
A city of southwest-central Turkey south of Ankara. Built on the site of an ancient Phrygian city,Konyawas a powerful Seljuk sultanate from the11th to the13th century. Population, 329, 139.科尼亚土耳其中部偏西南一城市,位于安卡拉以南,建在一个古代弗里吉亚城市的遗址上,从11世纪到13世纪,科尼亚是一个强大的塞尔柱苏丹帝国。人口329,139




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