

单词 antiques
释义 an·tique·s 英æn'tiːk美æn'tiːk COCA⁹⁵⁸⁷BNC⁹⁸¹⁰Economist²⁰⁴⁰⁷⁺
古时制造的; 古董的

made in an earlier period and usually valuable


of or connected with ancient times, especially ancient Rome or Greece


a piece of furniture, decorative object, jewelry, etc.that was made in an earlier period and that is rare or valuable

an elderly manany piece of furniture or decorative object or the like produced in a former period and valuable because of its beauty or rarity
made in or typical of earlier times and valued for its age;

the beautiful antique French furniture

out of fashion;

a suit of rather antique appearance

demode or outmoded attire

outmoded ideas

belonging to or lasting from times long ago;

age-old customs

the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness

shop for antiques;

We went antiquing on Saturday

give an antique appearance to;

antique furniture






用作形容词 adj.
~+名词antique custom陈旧的习俗antique furniture古式家具antique gown过时的长袍antique hero古代英雄antique lover昔日的情人antique manner过时的俗套antique shop古董店antique show古文物展览antique story远古时代流传下来的故事用作名词 n.动词+~unearth antique挖出古物形容词+~fake antique古物赝品genuineantique古物真品imitation antique古物赝品rare antique稀世古董realantique古物真品valuable antique贵重古物~+名词antique dealer古玩商
近义词 oldearlyelderlyadj. ancientold-fashioned
~+ n.This is an antique chair.这是一张古旧的椅子。
She wore an antique gown to the costume party.她在化装舞会上穿着一件过时的长袍。
This antique furniture was made in 1750.这件古老的家具是1750年制造的。
S+be+~This table is antique.这张桌子很古老。用作名词n.This carved chest is a genuine antique.这个雕花柜子是件古玩真品。
The palace is full of pricelessantiques.宫殿里到处都是无价的古玩。
He is a dealer in antique.他是一名古董商。




用作形容词Theantiquetable went to the lady in the pink hat.这张古董桌子卖给那位戴粉红色帽子的女士了。
In the museum we saw manyantiqueplates.我们在博物馆看到了很多古时候的盘子.
Theantiquefurniture was made in 1700.这件古老的家具是1700年制造的。
She wore anantiquegown to the costume party.她穿着一件过时的长袍参加化妆舞会。用作名词The value of thatantiqueis inestimable.那件古董的价值无法估计。
This jade dragon is a genuineantique.这件玉龙是真正的古玩。
I struck upon thatantiquein a little shop in London.我在伦敦一家小店里偶然发现那件古物。noun.old object, often of great value
同义词 antiquity,artifact,heirloom,relicbygone,monument,rarity,ruin,vestigeobjet d'art The market offers woodcarving, antiques, fine lace, and the hand-knotted wool carpets and kilims.
市场提供木雕,古董,精致的缎带以及手编的羊毛地毯和基里姆地毯。 ebigear

“ We know that organized criminals steal art and antiques to raise funds for other crime, ” the spokesman said.
该发言人说,“我们知道这些有组织的犯罪团伙偷盗名画和古董,是为了给其它犯罪行为提供资金。” ebigear

“The period from2008 through2010 has been one of crisis and recovery for the market for art and antiques,” said the report, released on Monday.
这份报告公布于周一,其显示,从2008年到2010这两年是全球古董和艺术品市场危机与复苏并存的时期。 yeeyan

“Where do all Chinese antiques come from?” she shrugged.
“中国的古董都从哪来?”她耸耸肩。 yeeyan

And not antiques.
而不是古董。 hjenglish

During the Cultural Revolution antiques became worthless for first time in Chinese history.
文革期间,古董第一次在中国历史上成了没价值的东西。 yeeyan

He bought historic estates in France, Austria, and elsewhere, filling them with art, antiques, opera scores, and literary manuscripts.
他在法国、奥地利和其他地方买下古宅,用来收纳大量的艺术品、古董、曲谱和戏剧剧本。 yeeyan

He said he thought an American audience might like a program that he had seen in England called the Antiques Roadshow.
他说,他认为美国观众可能会喜欢一个他在英格兰的节目,该节目称之为古董巡回秀。 putclub

I also created a show about home design and antiques that was just bought by a cable network and I'll be working behind the scenes.
我也制作了一个有关房间设计和古董的节目,刚刚被一家有线电视台买走,我将做一些幕后工作。 iciba

I like to collect antiques.
我喜欢收集古玩。 kekenet

In charge of culture, antiques, and construction of spiritual civilization.
负责文化、文物和精神文明建设方面工作。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Isabella said in the letter that she would fill the house with art and beautiful old furniture called antiques so that other people could enjoy them.
伊莎贝拉在她的信中写到,她要将艺术品和那些被称之为古董的古老的家具装满她的房间,以便让人们能够好好地欣赏这些艺术品。 yeeyan

My Chinese ceramic plate was a gift from an antiques collector in Shanghai and it came to America in my suitcase.
我的中国陶瓷盘是一位上海古董收藏家送给我的礼物,它随着我的行李箱来到了美国。 yeeyan

One day, I strolled into an old curiosity shop where I browsed the antiques on display.
一天,我又漫步走进了一家古董店,毫无目的地浏览着各种奇奇怪怪的古玩意儿。 putclub

She furnished her home with antiques and started to wear period clothing.
她用古董装扮她的家并开始穿着特定时期风格的衣服。 yeeyan

There are hawkers selling fake antiques, snake charmers, prostitutes, and lots of tourists and police.
这里有卖假古董的骗子、耍蛇人、妓女,还有很多游客和警察。 yeeyan

Whose beautiful antiques are these?
这是谁的漂亮的古董? ebigear

You can find interesting antiques in the market.
你可以在这个市场里找到有意思的古董。 edu.sina.com.cn

You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here.
你这儿有这么多古玩和中国画。 kekenet




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