释义 |
Kongzi 基本例句 孔子¹⁰⁰ Kongziexplains the origin of Rite from man's sensibility.摘要孔子从人的情感出发阐释礼的起源。 Zigong said,“I am unwilling to see anyone impose his view on others ”Kongzisaid, XX, it is out above your reach.子贡说,“我不希望他人强加于我,我也不愿去强加于他人。”孔子说,“赐啊,这不是你所能做到的。” Why have the three ideological giants, Laozi,Kongziand Marx, been able to stand on the peaks of human ideology and view the human race and the world?从老子、孔子到马克思,这三位思想巨人为什么能够站在人类思想的最高峰上看人类、看世界? Xunzi was a distinguished thinker in ancient China;he carried on and developed Confucian studies ofKongziand Mengzi, and took in the ideological theory of Legalist school.摘要荀子是我国古代著名的思想家,他的学说中既继承和发展了孔孟儒学,又兼容了法家的思想理论。 Necessity to annotate the ideal personality ofKongzi对孔子理想人格进行现代诠释之必要 On the Old and Well-known FamilyKongzi's Eldest Clan孔子世家大宗辨 |