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词汇 Komura
释义 Komura
Foreign Minister MasahikoKomurasaid Tuesday the date of Mr.日本外相高村正彦星期二说,福田首相的访华日期还没有确定。
MasahikoKomura, foreign minister, welcomed a Chinese offer to send team of specialists to help investigate.日本外相高村正彦对中国派遣专家小组前往协助调查的提议表示欢迎。
Foreign Minister MasahikoKomurasaid Tuesday the date of Mr. Fukuda's visit has not been decided.日本外相高村正彦星期二说,福田首相的访华日期还没有确定。
Cao Gangchuan arrived in Tokyo Wednesday for talks with Japan's newly appointed defense minister, MasahikoKomura.曹刚川星期三抵达东京,与日本新任命的防卫省长官高村正彦会谈。
MasahikoKomura, defence minister under Mr Abe, becomes foreign minister, a post he has held before, while the able Shigeru Ishiba returns to defence.有过外相经验的高村正彦,安倍手下的防卫大臣,转任外务大臣。由曾任防卫厅长官的能干的石破茂出任防卫大臣。
The justice ministry and the foreign ministry are expected to begin talks this month on what level of Japanese proficiency is required and how to test it,Komurasaid.高村表示,法务省与外务省预计在本月开始讨论,日本语文能力测验的及格标准与实施办法。




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