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词汇 Komsomol
释义 kom·so·mol AHDkämpsə|mȯl
n.苏联的共青团; 苏联共青团员
Five days after the invasion, our district created a “destroyer” battalion fromKomsomolvolunteers.在德国人入侵五天后,我们区以共青团志愿者为主组建了一支“歼击”营。
As a student he edited theKomsomolnewspaper and was awarded one of only seven Stalin scholarships for outstanding social and scholastic achievement.当时他是共青团报的一名编辑,并由于突出的学习成绩和社会活动获得了仅有七个名额的斯大林奖学金。
In November the DistrictKomsomolCommittee suggested that our school select five volunteers among ourKomsomolmembers for enlistment.11月地区的共青团委建议在我们〈共青团员〉中选择5名志愿者应征入伍。
Nonetheless, at 12, though the Communists repudiated religion, he joined the Young Pioneers and later became a member ofKomsomol, the Communist youth organization.虽然***批判宗教信仰,他仍在12岁那年加入了少先队,并在之后成为了一名〈共青团员〉。
TheKomsomolwould place the blame for this not on the sexist tendencies of the organization, but rather the inability of women to do productive work or understand politics.那些〈共青团员〉不会把责任归在那些提倡男权至上的组织,而是责备女性没有足够的生产能力和理解政治的能力。




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