

单词 koko
释义 ko·ko 英'kəʊkəʊ美'koʊkoʊ 高COCA⁶⁰⁹²⁰BNC⁸²⁵³⁰⁺¹⁰
Awaken to the sunrise over Koko Head and go to sleep with the Moon shimmering on the bay.
随着科科岬的日出清醒,伴着海湾波光粼粼的月光入睡。 caimeiju

This two story Colonial Plantation home is situated in a private gated community of8 homes overlooking the Maunalua Bay and Koko Head.
这栋两层楼的殖民地庄园住家坐落在一个私人的八户门禁社区,俯瞰毛纳路尔湾和科科岬。 caimeiju

But such mindless banter clearly wasn't enough to hold the attention of a genius gorilla. Koko soon grew bored with the chat calling it“ obnoxious” and wandered off to play with her dolls.
但是这些不用脑子的玩笑当然不足以吸引一只真正猩猩的注意力,科科很快就厌烦了这种聊天称真讨厌,跑到一边玩她的玩具去了。 cnnas

Hello, Koko. It's a classroom.
你好, Koko。这是一间教室。 blog.sina.com.cn

Here we’ve collected some of our favorite covers from1959 to2000, including a penguin with a high-tech backpack, a self- portrait by Koko the gorilla and a shark attack.
在这里展示的是从1959年到2000年的封面中我们最为喜欢的几幅,包括背着高科技双肩背包的企鹅,大猩猩可可 Koko的自拍照,以及一场鲨鱼攻击行动。 yeeyan

His colleagues thought he should be called Koko the monkey.
他的同僚都认为“可可猴”这称呼更适合他。 yeeyan

It's an apple, Koko. It's red.
这是一个苹果,它是红色的。 blog.sina.com.cn

One of Patterson's favourite stories demonstrates Koko's sense of humour.
从佩特森最喜欢讲的一个故事可以看出科科的幽默感。 hotdic

The court also ordered Khaleda Zia's younger son Arafat Rahman Koko to be in custody for seven days for interrogation.
法庭还下达命令将卡莉达•齐亚的小儿子阿拉法特•朗姆•可可在审讯期间拘禁七天。 ourtra

The story of Koko's kitten enabled Patterson to learn more about her charge.
这只小猫使佩特森对科科的情感有了进一步了解。 hotdic

The Sunrise view from the Royal Circle Beach is stunning rising over Koko Head and the Maunalua Bay.
从皇家环路海的日出在科科岬和毛纳路尔湾升起,景观绝美出色。 yeeyan

The views are an ever changing interplay of light and color from Diamond Head to Koko Head over the Maunalua Bay and the beaches of Kahala.
这些景观随着钻石头、科科岬、毛纳鲁尔湾到卡哈拉海滩的光线和色彩交互作用而不断变化。 caimeiju

Then we could put McMahon and Carradine together with, say, Koko Taylor, the blues musician, who died June3.
然后我们可以把麦克马洪和卡拉丁和蓝调音乐家可可泰勒放在一起,他也是死于6月3日。 yeeyan

We welcome customers new and regular come visiting KOKO.
欢迎新老客户光临科科公司参观指导。 chinacvw

When Patterson asked her what she would like for her11th birthday, Koko signed she wanted a cat.
在科科11岁生日时佩特森问她想要什么礼物,科科说要一只猫。 hotdic

Koko was beginning to look bored as my15- minute audience with her was up.
在我探视她的15分钟即将结束时,科科变得有点厌烦了。 iciba

Koko is the first gorilla to have been taught sign language.
科科是第一只学习手势语的大猩猩。 wyx.dgut.edu.cn

Koko lives in the Santa Cruz mountains, in a wooded spot overlooking Silicon Valley.
科科生活在圣克鲁斯山区一片能俯瞰硅谷的密林中。 hotdic

Koko's wearing yellow socks.
可可正穿着黄色的短袜。 ieschool

Koko's socks are yellow.
可可的短袜是黄色的。 ieschool




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