

单词 antiproton
释义 an·ti·pro·ton 英ˌæntiːˈprəʊˌtɒn, ˌæntaɪ-美ˌæntiˈproˌtɑn, ˌæntaɪ-AHDăn'tē-prōʹtŏn', ăn'tī- 高COCA⁶⁸⁸⁶³BNC¹⁰⁴⁵⁸⁴⁺iWeb⁵³⁷⁶³
an unstable negatively charged proton; the antiparticle of a proton前缀anti-, 相对,相反。proton, 质子。anti-反|抗proton⇒n.反质子 It is shown that the antiproton optical potential have strong absorption characteristics.
讨论了反质子光学势是强吸收型的特点。 cnki

Thus, antiquark, antiproton, etc.
像反夸克,反质子等等。 bbs.astron.ac.cn

When a particle, such as a proton, meets with its antimatter partner, the antiproton, the two annihilate each other in a powerful explosion.
就像正质子那样的粒子,如果它与其反物质的配偶——反质子相遇,这两个粒子就会在强大的爆炸中相互湮灭。 kle100

Bickford's own research predicts that other planets, including Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune, and Uranus, should have similar antiproton belts.
根据自己的研究,比克福德预测其他的行星包括木星、土星、海王星和天王星也应该有类似的反质子带。 yeeyan

But some astronomers always suspected that the remaining antiprotons must become trapped by the Earth's magnetic field, forming an antiproton radiation belt.
但是一些天文学家一直怀疑,那些剩下的反质子一定被地球磁场捕获,形成一条反质子辐射带。 yeeyan

By 1976 the drive to convert CERN’s new accelerator into a proton- antiproton collider was on, spearheaded by Carlo Rubbia, an Italian experimental physicist.
1976年,把欧洲核子研究所的新加速器改造成质子-反质子对撞机的征程,在意大利实验物理学家卡罗•鲁比亚引领下启航了。 ecocn

Dirac's theory also predicted a negatively charged sister for the proton, called the antiproton.
狄喇克的理论还预言有一种质子的姐妹粒子,带负电荷,叫做反质子。 bab

For decades, physicists at CERN and elsewhere have been trying to overcome these limitations with antihydrogen, which consists of a single positron orbiting a single antiproton.
几十年来,欧洲核子研究中心和其他地方的物理学家一直在想方设法克服反氢原子的这些局限。 反氢原子由一个正电子与一个反质子构成,正电子绕反质子运行。 ecocn

For example, a proton is denoted with a“ p”, and an antiproton is denoted by a“ p” with a line over its top.
举例来说,一个质子用“ p”表示,而一个反质子用“ p”在它的顶端上加一条线表示。 www.astronomy.com.cn

From the framework of the multiple scattering theory, we obtain the antiproton- nucleus optical potential that can best describe the experimental elastic scattering data.
从多次散射的理论框架,获得反质子的光学势,这一光学势能很好地描述从轻核至重核在整个能区的弹性散射实验。 dictall

His research team discovered the antiproton.
他的研究组发现了反质子。 yeebang.com

In 1976, he suggested adapting CERN's Super Proton SynchrotronSPS to collide protons and antiprotons in the same ring and the world's first antiproton factory was built.
1976年他建议应用欧洲核子研究组织超级质子同步加速器来撞击同环质子和反质子,并建造世界第一个反质子工厂。 news.bjut.edu.cn

In the framework of the distorted wave approximation, we discuss the differential cross section and polarization of antiproton- nucleus inelastic scatterings at intermediate energies.
在扭曲波冲量近似下,讨论中能区反质子与原子核非弹性散射的微分截面和极化度。 dictall

It means that our measurement of the antiproton's mass relative to the electron is now almost as accurate as that of the proton.
这意味着,现在我们对反质子对电子的质量测量精度几乎与测量正质子一样。 kle100

Once an antiproton and positron have joined forces, the resulting antihydrogen atom is electrically neutral and thus no longer caged by the electrical fields in the trap.
一旦一个反质子和正电子具有了结合的力量,产生的反氢原子是中性的,结果在线圈中不再受电场束缚。 www.astronomy.com.cn

Using recent experimental results, we calculate the antiproton flux which is produced by the collisions of cosmic rays with the interstellar matter.
利用最近的实验结果,计算了宇宙线与星际物质碰撞产生的反质子流强。 cnki

We carry on model study on non- thermal phase transition and antiproton to proton ratio at RHIC energies.
本文对非热相变和 RHIC能区的反质子质子产额比进行了模型研究。 cnki




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