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Koguryo 基本例句 高句丽¹⁰⁰ The people of Koguryo is one of the ancient minorities in northeast area of China. 高句丽民族是我国东北地区的古老少数民族之一。 cnki The recorder of Le- lang State in Biography of Koguryo in History of the Three Kingdoms has a very strong legend components, mainly was affected by the mainland legend; 《三国史记。高句丽本纪》中的乐浪国纪事有很重的传说成份,这主要是受内地传说影响演变而成的; cnki After so many years of neglect and plunder, the past glory of Koguryo is fast disappearing. 经多年之乎视与劫掠,高句丽昔日之荣光正日渐消逝。 edu Apartments stand where Koguryo castles used to stand. 新的公寓正矗立在原来高句丽城堡所在之地。 edu For every Korean schoolchild, Koguryo was one of Korea's three founding kingdoms. 对于每一个朝鲜学童来说,高句丽是古代朝鲜三国之一。 ecocn In3 BC, the Koguryo regime moved it's capital from Huan-ren to Ji-an and developed quickly in the following425 years. 高句丽政权于公元3年自桓仁迁都至此,历425年,这个时期是高句丽政权的大发展时期。 cnki Last year, thieves stole priceless Koguryo frescos from the Kilrim site in China. 去年,窃贼从 Kilrim遗址盗窃了价值连城的高句丽壁画。 edu The Sui- Koguryo relationship was one significant part of the foreign policies and border strategies during the period of the Sui Dynasty. 隋与高句丽的和战关系一直是隋朝对外关系和边疆经略的重要组成部分。 cnki The tombs are the work of the Koguryo kingdomGaogouli in Chinese that flourished between 37BC and668AD. 这些古墓形成于高句丽王国时期,该王国在公元前37年至公元668年间繁盛一时。 ecocn The Koguryo army inflicted heavy losses on the retreating Chinese troops. 在其撤退途中,高句丽军队又给其以沉重打击。 edu This was the area of one of Korea’s three founding kingdoms, Koguryo, which flourished between 37BC and668AD. 这个地区曾是奠定朝鲜历史的三个王朝之一——高句丽国的地盘。该古国的活跃时期在公元前37年至公元668年。 ecocn Koguryo forts and structures are being pulled down and used as building materials by the local residents. 高句丽城保正被当地居民推倒用作建筑材料。 edu Koguryo stayed strong and united under the wise rule of King Yongyang, who died in617 AD and King Yongnyu ascended the throne. 高句丽逐步强大终于在婴阳王的统治下统一,婴阳王死于六百一十七年,建武王即位。 edu |