

单词 abrogated
释义 ab·ro·gate·d 英'æbrəɡeɪt美'æbrəɡeɪt COCA⁷¹²²⁷BNC⁴¹²⁰⁴Economist³⁴³¹⁸⁺³
v.废除⁶⁶;取消³⁴原型abrogate的过去式和过去分词名词abrogation过去分词abrogated现在分词abrogating三单abrogates A court in Fiji ruled that the interim government led by Frank Bainimarama was illegal. Fiji's president abrogated the constitution and reappointed Mr Bainimarama as prime minister.
斐济的法庭对由弗兰克•斑尼玛拉玛领导的非法临时政府作出了裁决,同时斐济总统废除了斑尼玛拉玛作为总理时的宪法。 ecocn

The Interim Regulations on Control of Advertisement promulgated by the State Council on February6,1982 shall be abrogated as of the same date.
一九八二年二月六日国务院发布的《广告管理暂行条例》同时废止。 hjenglish

The president abrogated an old law.
总统废除了一项旧法令。 blog.sina.com.cn

Their behavior influenced a series of policy of British, made monopolization of the East India Company to be abrogated.
英国散商影响了英国对华贸易的一系列政策,最终导致废止了东印度公司对华贸易的垄断权。 cnki

“ An abrogated text, ” said the advocate extraordinary of the king.
“这条法律早已作废了。”国王的特别律师说。 tingroom

After the international system of unit comes into effect, the equivalent and the equivalent conductivity are abrogated and replaced by molar and molar conductivity separately.
实行国际单位制以后,当量和当量电导率即已被废除,取而代之的是摩尔和摩尔电导率。 cnki

As the opening of Chinese gold market, the Central Bank's exclusive operation policy for gold will be abrogated, and gold will be able to be sold or purchased freely in the market.
随着我国黄金的市场化,中国人民银行对黄金的统购统配体制也将被取消,黄金将可以在市场上自由买卖。 cnki

Brazil and the United States signed a defence co-operation agreement, which replaces an accord abrogated in 1977 by Brazil’s then military government.
巴西和美国签署了一个联防合作协议,该协议将替代已废除的1997年由巴西当时的军事政府签署的协议。 ecocn

Further, CXCR4 inhibition partially abrogated the protective effects of stromal cells on chemotherapy-induced apoptosis in AML cells.
此外,在 AML细胞中, CXCR4抑制剂部分消除了白血病基质细胞对化疗诱导的细胞凋亡的保护作用。 chinapubmed.net

Now the society is more modern and civilized than old days, so, those vulgar and indecent habits should be abrogated.
现在社会比过去更现代更文明,那些低俗不雅的风俗应该被废除。 iciba

Only Fiji, among Pacific Island nations, has seen its constitution abrogated, its judiciary dismissed and its army assume control.
在太平洋诸国中,只有斐济其宪法被废除,司法系统内的所有法官被撤销,国家政权由军队接管。 ecocn

Teratocarcinomas can arise through purely epigenetic changes and represent an extreme case in which the transformed phenotype can be abrogated under appropriate conditions.
畸胎瘤可能仅仅因为后生改变而出现,这代表一个极端的例子,其转化表型可以在适当条件下被废除。 www.bio.hbnu.edu.cn

The case was recently abrogated, however, by enactment of the Criminal Law Insanity Act2006, effective June1,2006.
此案是被废除的,然而,最近颁布了刑法疯狂条例2006,有效的6月1日,2006年。 jiaoyukexue5

The covenant of works was abrogated as a way to eternal life by the fall.
因亚当的堕落,工作之约作为得永生之道被废除了。 ccblog

This effect was abrogated by incubating the cells with an anti- VEGF antibody and was inhibited in the presence of gliclazide.
这种影响作用可通过将细胞培养在含抗 VEGF抗体中而消除,格列齐特也可抑制这种作用。 www.diabetes.com.cn




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