making great mental demands; hard to comprehend or solve or believe;a baffling problem
I faced the knotty problem of what to have for breakfast
a problematic situation at home
used of old persons or old trees; covered with knobs or knots;gnarled and knotted hands
a knobbed stick
highly complex or intricate and occasionally devious;the Byzantine tax structure
Byzantine methods for holding on to his chairmanship
convoluted legal language
convoluted reasoning
the plot was too involved
a knotty problem
got his way by labyrinthine maneuvering
Oh, what a tangled web we weave
tortuous legal procedures
tortuous negotiations lasting for months
tangled in knots or snarls;a mass of knotted string
snarled thread
knotty tear不连续撕裂knotty tearing曲折撕裂knotty pine多结松木knotty gneiss瘤状片麻岩knotty problem难题knotty wood多节木料a knotty point难题
近义词 hard硬的tough强硬的tricky棘手的thorny多刺的gnarly扭曲的awkward尴尬的complex复杂的knobbed有节的knotted打结的tangled纠缠的elusive难懂的tortuous弯曲的involved涉及的difficult困难的convoluted旋绕的snarly善于嚣叫的problematic问题的Byzantine拜占庭的snarled纠缠不清的baffling令人困惑的gnarled树木多瘤节的…complicated复杂难懂的problematical成问题的
用作形容词This is aknottypassage.这是一段复杂难懂的文字。
She met with a lot ofknottyproblems.她碰上了许多棘手的问题。
It is almost impossible to skirt theknottyproblem.想回避这个棘手的问题几乎是不可能的。 A knottier problem still is presented by same-sex couples from other states who marry in California.
而那些户籍在其他州却跑到加州结婚的同性伴侣所面临的问题也错综复杂。 ecocn
Other areas, though, have always looked knottier.
其他方面看起来则一直错综复杂。 topsage