释义 |
knocking back短语⁸⁴³²⁰⁺⁸ 基本例句 na.一口喝掉 But habits are changing as Britons, the Irish and Nordicsas well as Americans and Canadians are knocking back more wine than before. 但这种习惯正在改变,英国人,爱尔兰人和北欧人美国人和加拿大人也是如此喝掉的红酒比起以前就多了不少。 ecocn Myself and Anna were knocking back vodkas like there was no tomorrow. 我和安娜那时就在狂喝伏特加,好像明天就不复存在了似的。 enfang The burning bottle tumbles end over end in mid- air, and explodes with a burst of flame when it lands, dealing fire damage and knocking back anything in the immediate vicinity. 着着火的瓶子在空中翻腾着,一但落地就会爆炸,形成一片火海而且让附近的敌人受到火焰伤害并且被弹开。 uuu9 |