

单词 kneeling down
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With the bull completely broken down, Christina showed us how brave she was, by kneeling down in front of the bull.

Kneeling down she gently cradled the child in her arms and together they cried for the mommy that was gone.
她蹲下身来,轻轻地把小孩搂在怀里,一起为她那死去的妈妈而哭泣。 treasure.1x1y.com.cn

All of the second-year junior high students were kneeling down on the sports field, receiving in their hands a letter written to them by their parents.
初二全体同学跪在操场上,从父母手里接过了父母写给自己的家书。 yeeyan

And when he had said these things, kneeling down, he prayed with them all.
说完这些话,便跪下同众人祈祷。 ccreadbible

He now proceeded a little more cautiously. Kneeling down beside the trunk again.
他现在看起来更加郑重。再次跪在旅行箱的旁边。 blog.sina.com.cn

In fact, kneeling down the two knees and the two hands crossed on the waist is just the bearing of ancient Chinese women.
实际上,双膝跪地,两手交于腰间,正是古代中国妇女的仪态。 cctv

Police said the police fired warning shots in the request Miss Hua to give up confrontation X, Wu X China has suddenly kneeling down to beg for mercy that he did not sick.
警方称,在警方鸣枪示警要求吴 X华放弃对峙后,吴 X华却猛然跪地求饶表示自己没病。 chinavalue

The boy could not help kneeling down to the girl’s tomb, tearing miserably.
男孩跪下去,跪在女孩的墓前,泪流满面。 ebigear

They were kneeling down and saying their prayers.
她们跪着在做祷告。 kuenglish

Kneeling down amid people on crutches and in wheelchairs, I felt ridiculous but offered a prayer anyway.
在一片拄着拐杖和坐在轮椅上的人中间跪下后,我觉得只是祷告两句就想乞求摆脱失眠症的困扰十分滑稽。 yeeyan

Kneeling down on the bank, he saw a lovely face in the clear water.
当他跪在岸边时,他发现清澈的溪水中有一张非常可爱的面庞。 ebigear




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