

单词 kneaded
释义 knead·ed 英'niːdɪd美'niːdɪd 高COCA⁶²²⁰⁹BNC⁵⁶⁸⁵⁶
动词 knead:
make uniformmanually manipulate someone's body, usually for medicinal or relaxation purposesAfter shekneadedhis muscles, he felt very comfortable.她给他按摩了肌肉以后,他感到很舒服。
The little boykneadedthe dough into a ball.那个小男孩把面团揉成了球状。 And the clay that fills your ears shall be pierced by those fingers that kneaded it.
堵塞你们耳道的泥巴,将由揉捏它的手指穿透。 ebigear

Browbeaten out of shape by life, they show little if any response as they are kneaded this way and that.
他们被生活的压力捏成各种形态,任由握拿玩弄,毫无反应。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

Dough is kneaded and then molded into little cute animals by this folk artisan.
民间艺人搓捏为一个个可爱的小动物。 nciku

My cat kneaded my hand when I was lying on the sofa.

She had already made the simple dough of water and flour, which was sitting in a bowl waiting to be kneaded. But first we had to make the filling.
侯阿姨已经和好面,放在碗里醒一醒,现在该做馅儿了。 ebigear

That pigmy kneaded out of common earth, ignorant, unlettered, giddy, vulgar, low. Will that become an Ionian or a Boeotian?
用凡尘俗土抟捏出来的这小子,无知、不文、鲁莽、粗野、平凡,他将成为奋发有为的人还是碌碌无闻的人呢? ebigear

The changes of granular appearance and crystal structure of starch after being kneaded were investigated by SEM, polarization microscope and X- ray diffractometry.
利用扫描电子显微、偏光显微、 X-射线衍射等现代分析技术,研究了经捏合作用后淀粉颗粒形貌和结晶结构的变化。 dictall

“ Since ran into, so I Don't mention it pull. ” Zheng Zha kneaded to knead finger, he sneered at to slowly head for at present these monster people.
“既然撞见了,那么我就不客气拉。”郑吒捏了捏手指,他冷笑着慢慢走向了眼前这群兽人们。 bingtuannet

“Eighty-eight percent of people would say it’s too bitter, but I say it’s great, ” he said, as he kneaded a ball of pastry dough, laced with pistachios.
他捏了一个甜点面团,镶上开心果的边说道:“88%的人会说这太苦了,但是我认为味道榜极了”。 yeeyan

A large pile of kneaded dough is piled on one sides of the table and the empty metal pans are another side.
桌上一边放着一大摞揉好的面团,一边放着空的金属盘子。 worldbank

Bridget slipped on her yellow terry- cloth robe and leaned close to the mirror, staring at her breast as she kneaded it, trying to see the lump.
布丽姬特套上黄色毛巾浴袍,倾斜著上身尽量靠近镜子. 对著镜子捏著乳房,想看清楚肿块. yeeyan

But it just proves to be kneaded by fingers personally.
但这正是由自己手指捏成的证明; zhishiduo.com

Distilled by the sun, kneaded by the moon, it is renewed in a year, in a day, or in an hour.
吸收了太阳和月亮的精华,它一年年,一天天,甚至每个小时都在不停的更新着。 blog.sina.com.cn

He uses his fingers, palms, paper napkins and kneaded eraser to smooth, blend, and highlight the lighted areas of the drawing.
他用他的手指,手掌,纸餐巾和橡皮擦揉顺利,融合,突出了绘画的灯光领域。 cgfriend

He kneaded them with his fingers, trying to rub the ache away, but when he stood the pain was still enough to make him grimace.
他用手指揉搓着它们,想把那些疼痛搓走,但是当他站起来是那痛楚依然扭曲了他的脸。 blog.sina.com.cn

His breathing slowed and he kneaded his hands.
他的呼吸变缓,两只手互相搓揉着。 yeeyan

I have made the oven hot, and the dough is already kneaded.
我来把炉子热上,而且生面团已经揉好了。 yeeyan

Noel sprinkles flour on the table, oils his hands, breaks a lump from the big pile and with two flicks of his hands, the dough is kneaded and placed it in the pan.
Noel将面粉撒在桌上,手上抹了油,从摞着的面团中取下一块,三下两下就把面揉好放进盘子里了。 worldbank

She took dough, kneaded it, made and baked cakes before him.
她取了面,在他眼前和好,烤成饼。 ccreadbible

That is simply no longer a face of a human being, it is like a dough which has been kneaded in a mess.
那简直根本已经不在是一张人的脸,就像是一块揉皱了已经走型的面团一样。 blog.sina.com.cn

The masseur kneaded my back.
那个按摩师给我推拿了背。 readnovel

The clothes into the dry distillation, solvent in the water and detergent with both hands wear gloves rub is kneaded, silica gel wash clothings reoccupy after washing clean dry lotion.
将衣物放入蒸馏过的干洗剂溶剂中浸泡,然后用双手戴上硅胶手套搓揉,衣物洗净后再用干净的干洗剂冲洗。 www.1xiyi.com

The ingredients of the above table were thoroughly kneaded in a kneading machine for about2 hours.
将上表中的成分在捏合机中捏合约2小时,使其彻底捏合。 kuenglish

Use a kneaded eraser to lift these.
解除这些使用捏合的橡皮擦。 jujumao

When you rip, tear, sprain or break something, it needs to be immobilized, not stretched, kneaded, heated or worked.
当撕裂、扭伤或被碰破,你需要安静坐下来,而不是伸展、揉捏、出汗或做事情。 yeeyan




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