

单词 kmt
释义 kmt 'kei'em'ti: 高COCA²¹⁶³²BNC³⁴²⁸⁹
“His motive was just money and sex— mainly sex, ” said Lin Yu-fang, a KMT lawmaker and member of the legislature’s Foreign Affairs and National Defense Committee.
国民党立法委员,外交与国防委员会立法机构成员林郁方表示,“罗贤哲的动机只是钱和性,主要是性。” yeeyan

A KMT spokesman says it will reshuffle its cabinet as well as its local branches.
一位国民党的发言人说,国民党将重组内阁和地方的分支机构。 yeeyan

Although his Kuomintang party KMT ended up winning three of the five mayoralties, it failed to win a majority of the votes.
尽管他领导的国民党在市长竞选中获胜,赢得五个市长中的三个席位,但是却没能赢得大多数的选票。 yeeyan

In the complex choreography of cross-strait ties, titles mean a lot and KMT chairman potentially most of all.
在两岸复杂的舞步中,头衔有重要意义,而国民党主席的头衔可能是最重要的。 stnn




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