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词汇 Kluang
释义 Kluang
n.克卢昂在印度尼西亚;东经 103º47' 南纬 2º36'
KluangComputer Parts Selling Website,Just Come take a look!无言.
Few days ago, I went toKluangand became lecturer and examiner for state basketball referee examination.几天前,我到了居銮为篮球州裁判考试主讲及成为考官。
Attended the 60th Anniversary Dinner ofKluangChinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry.召开庆祝本会成立61周年纪念暨庆贺会友荣膺勋衔联欢晚宴筹委会总结会议。
Kelu not only demonstrates the life ofKluangresidents but also their love for this city, stirred from the Bat DNA in our blood.小蝙蝠不只展现了居銮的社会面貌,也代表着居民对这城市的情感,我们体内蝙蝠的记忆。
Still remember last chinese new year i saw it inKluangErm…about this kind of movie good or not?有时候看电影不需要怎么去看些很有深度,需要思考的。
Though most youngsters ofKluangpursue better work competence in other towns, their hearts are still where their home is… with warm reunions during festive traditions.居銮年轻一代的居民大部分往外某求生计刻苦耐劳,但在心理仍时常挂念这个山城。逢年过节总会回到这个孕育他们成长的故乡。




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