释义 |
klingenberg 基本例句 n.克林根贝格在德国;东经 13º32' 北纬 50º55' The Yugoslav army stacked its arms in the city square, and Klingenberg had all of the men register with the mayor.军队将所有武器集中到城市广场,克林根贝格要求所有士兵向市长登记。 Klingenberg was anxious to enter the city, but the swollen River Danube was in his way.克林根贝格进入进入城市,但是小噢能够用的多瑙河河水挡住了去路。 The first place he inquired for Klingenberg was at a brothel, figuring that he would find the renegade captain there.司令官首先寻找的地方是妓院,他以为这里可以找到克林根贝格上尉。 Klingenberg and his small team now proceeded to the German Embassy, where they unfurled a large swastika over it to declare the capture of the city.克林根贝格和他的小分队现在继续向德国大使馆前进,在那里他们展开了一面巨大的万字旗,声明城市已被占领。 When Klingenberg reported to his superiors to explain why he had not followed orders, he was drunk, unshaven and smelled of perfume.在向上司陈述为何没有遵守命令时,克林根贝格醉醺醺的,满脸胡须还满身香水味。 |