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Kleene star 基本例句 克林星号 One particular example is theKleene star.一个例子就是克林闭包。 Any expression that evaluates to a parser may be used with the Kleene Star.任何产生分析器的表达式都可以用克林星号修饰。 The Kleene Star is also known as a Kleene Closure, but we call it the Star in most places.克林星号也被叫做克林闭包,但在很多地方,我们把它叫作星号。 “Zero or more” implies that theKleene staralways returns a successful match, possibly matching the null string: “”.“零到任意多”意味着克林闭包永远返回成功匹配,哪怕是空串“”。 TheKleene star, when called to parse, calls its sole subject zero or more times.克林闭包被调用时,将调用它的唯一子项零至任意多次。 |