释义 |
klebanov 基本例句 克列巴诺夫 Deputy Prime Minister Ilya Klebanov read part of the note after a meeting of the commission investigating the Aug. 12 disaster.俄罗斯副总理克列巴诺夫今天在这场8月12日发生的灾难调查会后念了这张字条的一部分内容。 The note was written around 1 p.m. that day, Klebanov said, about an hour and a half after the submarine was torn apart by explosions and sank to the bottom of the Barents Sea.All 118 aboard died.克列巴诺夫说,这个字条是在当天下午1点写下的,大约在库尔斯克号被爆炸撕裂沉没到巴伦斯海海底的一个半小时之后,船上的118名官兵全部遇难。 |