

单词 kitchens
释义 kitchens
The look is ideal for minimalist kitchens, but it quickly takes center stage in any home.
它是极简主义厨房的理想造型,但它很快就会成为任何家庭的焦点。 yeeyan

The report also concluded that salmonella has been around American kitchens for centuries now, and must therefore be at least harmless, if not actually good for us.
报告还推断说沙门氏菌已经遍布美国的厨房有上百年了,即使它们是对我们没有好处,那最起码也是无害的。 yeeyan

Yet tucked away in kitchens and nurseries, mainly in the Middle East and Asia, their wages often go unpaid, they are rarely granted any time off, and many face physical and sexual abuse.
他们忙碌在中东和亚洲的一些国家的厨房和托儿所,他们常常拿不到应得的报酬,很少有假期,许多人经常遭遇肉体和性方面的虐待。 ecocn

After decades of marketing from anti-bacterial cleaners and hand soap, bacteria is something we’ve been told should be out of our kitchens!
在几十年的抗菌清洁剂和肥皂的广告的市场营销后,我们被告知我们应该使细菌远离我们的厨房! yeeyan

As long as they live with their mother she’s the one who does all the bothersome work like cleaning clothes, toilets and kitchens.
只要他们仍旧和他们的父母住在一起,那么任何的洗衣,卫浴清洁以及厨房劳动都将由他们亲爱的母亲代劳。 yeeyan

As fears faded, a swelling wave of acceptance began filtering into the kitchens of America and other countries.
随着恐惧散去,一股接受微波炉的巨大风潮充斥着美国和其它国家的厨房。 yeeyan

By the way, there were lots of flat-like buildings in former Soviet Union, in which there were public toilets, bathrooms and kitchens.
顺便说一句,前苏联人盖过一些宿舍式的房子,有公用的卫生间、盥洗室和厨房,这就给吐痰提供了方便。 yeeyan

For decades it has exported workers to the kitchens and construction sites of the rich cities in the south-east.
几十年以来这个地区一直把工人输出到巴西东南富裕城市的厨房和建筑工地。 ecocn

Golgi discovered his method while working by candlelight in one of the hospital's kitchens, which he had transformed into a laboratory.
在一间由医院的厨房改建的实验室中,在蜡烛下工作的高尔基发现了他的染色方法。 yeeyan

I believe kids should be learning healthy eating skills in their own kitchens, but sadly most are not.
我认为孩子们应该自己在厨房里学习健康的用餐方法,但是事实却并不是这样。 yeeyan

Land certification gave women real confidence and helped them get out of their traditional kitchens.
土地发证工作确实给妇女带来了信心,帮助她们走出了厨房。 worldbank

Most burns involved scalds from hot liquids at home: beverages in kitchens and water in bathrooms.
大部分烫伤与下列因素有关:家庭的高温液体、厨房的饮料和浴室的水。 who

On one side stand new apartment buildings for civil servants, with luxury kitchens and a sprinkler system embedded in the lush lawn.
一边是林立的为公务员修建的新公寓,它们有奢华的厨房、埋入茂盛草坪的洒水系统。 ecocn

She cited hostels with communal kitchens as a cheaper lodging option because they allow travelers to keep meal expenses in check.
她认为拥有公共厨房的旅店将是个便宜的选择,因为这样一来可以减少伙食上的预算。 xianguo.com

That was as it should be: kitchens were for servants, and the aspiring middle classes wanted nothing to do with them.
原本就是正得其所嘛:厨房是为仆人准备的,抱负远大的中产阶级可不愿与之有丝毫的沾边。 ecocn

Their conservation is not entirely theoretical: they swap stories about the experiments they perform in rudimentary labs built in their kitchens, basements and garages.
他们的交流不完全是理论性的:他们相互交流彼此在厨房,地下室和车库的简陋实验室进行实验的故事。 yeeyan

This option works well in smaller kitchens as the contrasting colors cause the eye to travel, providing visual interest.
这种选择很适合小面积的厨房,因为对比色可以吸引视线,在视觉上可以增加乐趣。 yeeyan

To increase our sales and profits, we should include whirlpool tubs and larger kitchens as standard features in all our new homes.
为增加我们的销售和利润,我们应该在所有新住宅中设置冲浪浴缸和大型厨房作为标准配置。 iciba

We take a look inside British kitchens and discover the attitudes of people in modern Britain towards cooking.
本期节目中我们探访了英国的一些厨房,了解当代英国人对家庭烹饪的不同态度。 www.chinadaily.com.cn

We were in the kitchen making a grocery list, not the kitchen where the garbage game was played, but still. Kitchens for us remain problematic.
我们在厨房里准备一个杂货清单,不是那个玩垃圾游戏的厨房,但厨房对我们仍然有着问题的意味。 yeeyan

Kitchens may look much as they did30 years ago but living rooms and desktops look remarkably different.
厨房可能看起来跟30年前的差不多,但是卧室和台式电脑则显著不同。 ecocn




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