

单词 Kirin
释义 Ki·rin 英ˈkiːˈrɪn美ˈkiˈrɪnAHDkēʹrĭnʹ COCA¹⁴¹⁶⁸⁵BNC¹⁷³⁹⁹⁵⁺²
n²⁸. 麒麟常见于雕刻和瓷器上n. 吉林⁷²=Jilin
Firms such as Kirin, a beverage- maker, J- Power, an electricity wholesaler, and many others have bought foreign companies this year.
包括饮料商麒麟,电力设备商 J电力在内的很多企业,都在今年收购了外国公司。 ecocn

On July14th Kirin and Suntory, two big Japanese brewers, announced that they are in merger talks.
7月14日麒麟和三多利这两家日本大型啤酒公司宣布他们正处在合并商谈中。 ecocn

The Journal added that Kirin’s rivals Suntory Holdings and Asahi Breweries Ltd. may also want to acquire the division.
《华尔街日报》还报道,麒麟控股的竞争对手三得利控股公司 Suntory Holdings和朝日啤酒公司 Asahi Breweries也有意收购该部门。 yeeyan

The Kirin- Suntory talks are notable because both firms are winners.
麒麟-三多利的合并商谈因此显得格外引人注目,因为两家公司都是赢家。 ecocn

When employees of Mitsubishi Corporation, a huge trading house, go on a beer binge they are informally required to quaff Kirin—a company under Mitsubishi’s wing.
三菱集团是一家大型的贸易公司,他们有条不成文的规定—公司员工只能喝他们公司旗下的麒麟啤酒。 yeeyan

“ There is more room for further growth in Asia down the line because Asians' per capita consumption is relatively small, ” the Kirin report said.
“人均消费量较小意味着亚洲的啤酒消费市场有着更广阔的增产空间。”麒麟啤酒的报告总结说。 yeeyan

Kirin, a brewer, seeks to double the number of its female managers by 2015—to a mere6% of the total.
酿酒师 Kirin计划在2015年时,他的女性经理能增加一倍——也仅占总数的6%。 yeeyan

Among Kirin’s roughly400 subsidiaries are a bio-chemical firm, a property company, hotels, a tennis club, and even a flower company.
在麒麟旗下大约400家分支中有生化公司,房地产公司,酒店,网球俱乐部,甚至还有一家花卉公司。 yeeyan

Asia has overtaken Europe as the world's biggest beer producer for the first time in35 years, according to a study by the research arm of the Japanese brewing giant Kirin Holdings.
据日本酿造业巨头日本麒麟啤酒的市场调研报考称,35年以来,亚洲第一次取代欧洲成为世界上最大的啤酒生产基地。 yeeyan

In short, if the Kirin- Suntory merger goes through it could be the start of a big change in the way Japan does business.
总之,如果麒麟-三多利的合并得到通过,它也许能成为日本商业贸易一个大机会的开端。 ecocn

It was the first time that Asia had topped the global beer- production rankings since Kirin began surveying the industry in 1974.
这是自麒麟啤酒1974年开始啤酒行业市场调查以来,亚洲第一次登顶世界生产冠军。 yeeyan

Its employees are encouraged to drink Kirin beer because its makers are part of the Mitsubishi family. The companies think this tribalism is a source of strength.
公司鼓励员工喝麒麟啤酒,就是因为制造商是三菱家族的企业之一,它深信家族式发展是前进力量的来源。 yeeyan

Last year two large drinks companies, Kirin and Suntory, tried to join forces to offset declines in their home markets, though the merger talks collapsed over ownership disputes.
去年,两大饮料公司麒麟和三得利试图结成联盟对抗国内市场的缩减,尽管最终合并的谈判由于所有权争议不欢而散。 yeeyan

Nomura, Kirin, Toshiba and others have made big acquisitions abroad in recent years.
Nomura野村证券, Kirin麒麟集团, Toshiba东芝和其它公司近几年都有大宗的海外并购。 ecocn

Suntory was already in merger talks with Kirin, another Japanese drinks firm, which has acquired aggressively in Australia.
三得利已经做好与麒麟,另一家已在澳大利亚积极扩张的日本饮料公司的并购谈判准备。 ecocn

Kirin’s culture as a public company tied to Mitsubishi, a big conglomerate, clashes with that of Suntory, a private, family firm.
麒麟作为一家和三菱联合公司紧紧依靠的公有公司,和三多利的私人家族化企业文化有着不少的冲突。 ecocn

Kirin and Suntory, two of Japan’s biggest beer and beverage companies, announced on July14th that they were talking about a merger.
日本两大啤酒饮料制造商麒麟和三得利7月14日宣布他们正在商讨双方的合并计划。 yeeyan

Kirin is a public company that is tied to one of the country’s biggest conglomerates.
麒麟是一家上市公司,并依赖于日本最大的多元化集团之一。 yeeyan




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