

单词 kinsmen
释义 kinsmen 英'kɪnzmən美'kɪnzmən COCA⁴⁹⁸⁹⁸BNC²⁶⁴⁸⁹Economist⁵³⁵⁸¹⁺¹
名词 kinsman:
a male relative近义词 men男人menfolk男人们husbands动词husband的第三…brothers名词brother的复数…
as in.kith and kin
同义词 acquaintances,consanguinity,family,friends and relatives,kin,kindred,kinfolk,kinsfolk,relations,relatives
kith and kinnoun acquaintances and relatives
acquaintances,consanguinity,family,friends and relatives,kin,kindred,kinfolk,kinsfolk,relations,relatives And Cornelius waited for them, having called together his kinsmen and special friends.
那时,科尔乃略召集了自己的亲戚和密友,等候他们来。 ccreadbible

And Scarlett was not surprised to see them, these kinsmen who had taken the worst that fate could send and hammered it into the best.
思嘉看见他们,看见这些接受了命运的最悲惨赐予了并用来铸造最佳业绩的亲人们,一点也不觉得惊奇。 bab

O kinsmen! we must meet the common foe!
亲人们啊!我们必须面对我们共同的敌人! iask.sina.com.cn

Salute Andronicus and Junia, my kinsmen, and my fellow-prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
又问我亲属与我一同坐监的安多尼古和犹尼亚安。 他们在使徒中是有名望的,也是比我先在基督里。 ebigear

The Israelites took captive from their kinsmen two hundred thousand wives, sons and daughters. They also took a great deal of plunder, which they carried back to Samaria.
以色列人掳了他们的弟兄,连妇人带儿女共有二十万,又掠了许多的财物,带到撒玛利亚去了。 ebigear

The Lord said to Abram, Leave your own country, your kinsmen, and your father's house, and go to a country that a I will show you.
天主对亚伯兰说:“离开你的家乡,你的亲人和你父亲的家,到一个我指引你去的地方。” hotdic

Abraham has gone off to liberate some of his kinsmen who have been kidnapped for ransom.

And Naomi said to her, The man is close to us; he is one of our kinsmen.
拿俄米又说,那人与我们相近,是我们的亲人。 iciba

And so, as kinsmen net a night.
就这样,像亲戚夜里相逢。 blog.sina.com.cn

And so, as Kinsmen, met a Night.
就这样,像亲人在夜里相遇。 kekenet

Both have spent the past couple of years securing the interests of their own kinsmen, and frightening off international investors.
他们二人在过去的几十年一直在扩大本族人的利益,驱赶外来投资者。 ecocn

Eleazar died having no sons, but only daughters; their kinsmen, the sons of Kish, married them.
以利亚撒死了,没有儿子,只有女儿,他们本族基士的儿子娶了他们为妻。 galcc.org

He saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his kinsmen.

It focuses on the research and study of the Imperial Kinsmen Educational System.
本文共分四章,对宋代宗室子弟的教育制度进行考察研究。 cnki

Mr Kibaki, himself a Kikuyu, was expected to have overwhelming support from his kinsmen, but98% looked excessive.
身为基库尤人的齐贝吉先生期待能从他的老乡们那里得到压倒性的支持,但是98%的支持却过多,不合情理。 ecocn.org

O kinsmen! We must meet the common foe!
啊同胞们!我们有着共同的敌人! youtheme

Sallu, Amok, Hilkiah, Jedaiah. These were the heads of the priests and of their kinsmen in the days of Jeshua.
这些人是耶叔亚时期中的司祭,和他们兄弟的族长。 ccreadbible

Salute Andronicus and Junias, my kinsmen and fellow prisoners: who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me.
请问候我的同族和我的同囚者安得洛尼科和犹尼雅,他们在使徒中是有声望的人,并且在我以先归依了基督。 ccreadbible

These were the heads of the priests and their kinsmen in the days of Jeshua.
这些人在耶书亚的日子,作祭司和他们弟兄的首领。 iciba

They kill themselves. Their kinsmen leave their son wandering in a sandstorm.
他们自杀,亲属让他们的儿子在沙尘暴中流荡。 ecocn

Vang Pao leant on his network of former spooks, soldiers and diplomats to twist arms in Washington, DC, and win help for his kinsmen.
王宝依靠由他以前的情报人员、军人和外交官们织成的网络游说于华盛顿,为其族人赢得帮助。 ecocn

Kinsmen are less kind than friends.




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