

单词 kindles
释义 kin·dle·s 英'kɪndl美'kɪndl COCA⁸⁵⁰⁷⁶BNC¹⁴⁴⁶⁶⁴⁺³
catch fire;

The dried grass of the prairie kindled, spreading the flames for miles

cause to start burning;

The setting sun kindled the sky with oranges and reds

call forth emotions, feelings, and responses;

arouse pity

raise a smile

evoke sympathy







in kindle怀胎
近义词 fire火up向上light光prick刺set放置awaken醒move移动burn燃烧heat热度stir激起rouse唤醒start开始spark闪烁evoke唤起raise上升ignite着火arouse叫醒elicit引出inspire鼓舞stir up搅拌fire up生火promote促进provoke激怒torch手电筒actuate促使afire着火的inflame激怒enkindle煽动encourage鼓励stimulate刺激trigger使发生animate使有生气conflagrate燃烧set on fire使燃烧refresh使恢复精神…反义词 smother窒息stifle使窒息extinguish熄灭

用作动词The wood was wet and wouldn'tkindleeasily.这木柴太湿,不易燃烧。
The sparkskindledthe dry grass.有些火星把干草给引着了。
The speaker tried tokindlethe crowd's interest with a lively speech.演讲者试图以生动活泼的讲话来激起听众的兴趣。
Her eyeskindledwith excitement.她的眼睛里闪耀出激动的神色。 And more makers of e- readers may mimic Amazon’s recent decision to let third-party developers create software for its line of Kindles.
最近亚马逊决定让第三方开发者在 Kindle系列产品上开发软件,其他的电子阅读器厂商很可能会效仿。 yeeyan

The spell of life went forth from her ever creative spirit, and communicated itself to a thousand objects, as a torch kindles a flame wherever it may be applied.
她那永不停歇的创造精神会进发出生命的魔力,并同丰万种物体交流,犹如一个火炬可以点燃一切。 hjenglish

Amazon is expected to sell more than eight million Kindles this year, up from 2.4 million last year, according to Bloomberg.
根据美国彭博资讯公司预计,亚马逊今年将销售800多万件 Kindle,比去年增长240万件。 yeeyan

And all of those other non- Kindles?
那么其它非 kindle的产品呢? yeeyan

Ben Wood is an analyst at CCS Insight: “ We see the new Kindles s being very disruptive, ” he says. “ The lowest priced device is ideally suited to gifting and impulse purchase.”
CCS Insight分析师 Ben Wood称:“我们认为新的 Kindle是一款非常有杀伤力的产品,目前最低的价格极为适合送礼和冲动消费。” yeeyan

But consumers treat phones and Kindles differently from PCs.
但消费者对手机和 Kindles的看法不同于个人电脑。 ecocn

But if you want to feel the heat and stink of war, to know how desperation kindles gallantry and barbarism, see Black Hawk Down.
然而,如果你想要体验一下战争的火药味儿,想要了解绝望是如何激起勇气与野蛮之力的话,那一定要去看看《黑鹰计划》这部电影。 yeeyan

God's wrath kindles judgments on those who have been oppressing them.
上帝的忿怒揭开了审判那些迫害圣徒们的人的帷幕。 chumadventist-ldsc

I hope when you read this, it kindles your heart and puts a smile on your face.
我希望当你读到这封信的时候,它可以使你心情激动,脸上露出微笑。 yappr

It kindles their passion and romantic moods.
火星下的白羊座富有激情和浪漫情怀。 yeeyan

Like Kindles past, the Fire is roughly the size of a thin, medium- sized paperback.
和以往的 Kindle一样, Fire也差不多是一本较薄的中等尺寸的平装书大小。 fortunechina

Owners of“ some” earlier Kindles will get the PDF support, but not the extended battery life.
“某些”较老版本 Kindle的拥有者,将只能获得 PDF支持,而不能获得延长的电池续航时间。 yeeyan

That's just it, they're not Kindles.
那就是原因,它们不是 kindle生产的。 yeeyan

We can't know for sure how many Kindles Amazon AMZN is selling, because the company refuses to release figures.
亚马逊到底卖出了多少台Kindle,我们不得而知,因为公司拒绝公布具体数据。 fortunechina

Why A little spark kindles a great fire such writings on this issue theoretically.
《星星之火,可以燎原》等著作中对这个问题从理论上作了阐述。 yeeyan




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