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词汇 Kim Gye Gwan
释义 Kim Gye Gwan
Kim Gye Gwanrepresented North Korea at the 6-nation nuclear talks in Beijing.用的是词意中的第四条;代表一个政府行为; 所以这句话可以成立.
Mr Hill's discussions in Beijing involved some bilateral talks with North Korea's deputy foreign minister,Kim Gye Gwan.希尔在北京与朝鲜副外交部长金桂冠进行了一些双边会谈。
When asked whether Pyongyang possessed civilian enrichment facilities on April 22, 2004, Vice Foreign MinisterKim Gye Gwanquickly denied that it had any type of enrichment program.2004年4月22日,朝鲜副外相Kim Gye Gwan当被问到朝鲜是否拥有民用核设施时,其快速否认了朝鲜拥有任何类型的铀浓缩计划。
The U.S. Delegation is led by Assistant Secretary of State James Kelly, while Pyongyang's is headed by Vice Foreign Minister Kim Kye Gwan.美国代表团由助理国务卿詹姆斯·凯利带队,而朝鲜代表团是由副外长金桂冠带领。
It's reported by the Xinhua News Agency that, Kim Kye Gwan, head of the DPRK delegation of the Six-Party Talks arrived in Beijing today.Please confirm.问:据新华社报道,六方会谈朝鲜代表团团长金桂冠今天已抵达北京,请证实。




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