释义 |
kimberlin 基本例句 n.金伯林 By a 2-1 vote, the panel upheld the rationale by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for the ban and rejected a challenge by inmates Brett Kimberlin and Darrell Rice, who wanted to play electric guitars at a federal prison in Cumberland, Maryland.通过一项2对1的投票表决,上诉法院维持了美国联邦监狱管理局对狱中囚犯使用电吉他的禁令,并拒绝了囚犯达雷尔·赖斯和布雷特·金伯林想要在马里兰坎伯兰监狱弹奏电吉他的要求。 By a 2-1 vote,the panel upheld the rationale by the U.S. Bureau of Prisons for the ban and rejected a challenge by inmates Brett Kimberlin and Darrell Rice,who wanted to play electric guitars at a federal prison in Cumberland,Maryland.通过一项2对1的投票表决,上诉法院维持了美国联邦监狱管理局对狱中囚犯使用电吉他的禁令,并拒绝了囚犯达雷尔·赖斯和布雷特·金伯林想要在马里兰坎伯兰监狱弹奏电吉他的要求。 |