

单词 kilos
释义 ki·los 英kɪ'ləʊs美kɪ'loʊs COCA³⁴⁹²⁷BNC¹⁸²⁸³Economist¹⁷³⁹⁵
名词 kilo:
one thousand grams; the basic unit of mass adopted under the Systeme International d'Unites用作名词That train must have weighed more than one thousandkilos!那列火车想必重一千多千克。
The baggage is twokilosoverweight.那件行李超重两公斤。
He must have put on severalkilos.他体重一定增加了好几公斤。 A bull moose can weigh up to550 kilos.
雄性驼鹿的体重可以达到550千克。 ecocn

Along this stretch of road there were10 heroin labs producing around30 kilos of heroin every day, a smuggler had told me.
一个走私贩子告诉我,这条路旁有10个海洛因实验室,每天生产大约30千克海洛因。 yeeyan

The gross weight is23 kilos.

The allowance for free luggage is20 kilos.
免费行李限额是20公斤。 ebigear

The tuna that bears the number1 this morning is from Boston and weighs150 kilos.
这个早上的状元,是来自波士顿的一条重150公斤的金枪鱼。 yeeyan

“ We usually advise mothers carrying a child with an estimated weight of more than4.5 kilos to opt for a caesarean section to avoid complications, ” he said.
他还说:“通常情况下,我们建议母亲所怀小孩的体重如果超出4.5千克就要选择剖腹产以避免发生意外。” ebigear

A silver-gilt chandelier weighing80 kilos is a Swedish loan.
一个重达80公斤的镀银烛台也从瑞典借来。 ecocn

According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around600 kilos per hectare.
据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。 yeeyan

After two and a half years their weight gain had risen to3.1 kilos.
两年半之后他们的体重增长到了3.1千克。 yeeyan

After two and a half years they were still more than three kilos heavier than when the study began.
过去了两年半的时间之后,他们仍比研究开始的时候重三千克。 yeeyan

At a hefty two kilos and420 pages, the oversized coffee-table book was published annually by the Asahi newspaper between1954 and1971.
在1954年到1971年间,朝日报纸每年出版一期这种重达两公斤共有420页的加大版装饰画册。 yeeyan

But he's also weary, saying it was much tougher than he expected, primarily because he carried4 kilos or10 pounds of gear.
但是他也十分疲劳,这比他预想的还要累,主要是因为他携带了4千克或10榜的装备。 yeeyan

Cranberry bogs consume lots of space in the marshland. According to statistics, yearly output yield of cranberries is something around600 kilos per hectare.
蔓越莓沼泽湿地占据了大量的空间。据统计,蔓越莓年产量每公顷大约600公斤。 yeeyan

Each time you create one kilo of traditional polypropylene, you create 3.15 kilos of carbon dioxide.
每次生产1千克传统的聚丙烯,就会产出3.15千克二氧化碳。 yeeyan

If necessary, he could carry a backpack that weighed thirty kilos as if it were nothing, but usually he travelled without a pack: his pockets were enough.
需要的话,他能够扛起三十公斤重的背包像没事一样,但他出门通常不背兜:他衣兜里装的就足够了。 yeeyan

In this vegetable market two dollars will get you two kilos of tomatoes or one kilo of peas.
在蔬菜市场,两美元你可以买到两公斤西红柿或者一公斤豆子。 yeeyan

In some places, for every kilo of shrimp that fishermen catch as much as20 kilos of accidentally netted marine animals are tossed back overboard to die.
在某些地方,渔民每捕获一公斤虾同时意外网住多达20公斤其它海洋动物。它们被抛回海中死去。 fao

Indonesia's previous heaviest baby, weighing in at6.9 kilos, was born in 2007 on the outskirts of the capital Jakarta, according to the Indonesian Museum of Records website.
据印度尼西亚纪录博物馆网站记载,此前印尼最重的婴儿于2007年出生在首都雅加达的郊区,重达6.9公斤。 iciba

It takes at least three kilos of fish meal to add one kilo to the weight of a farmed salmon.
增加养殖鲑鱼一千克的重量需要至少三千克鱼粉。 ecocn

On a good day he used to sell150 kilos.
在行情好的时候,他曾经卖出过150公斤。 ecocn

One year on the group's average weight was1.5 kilos higher than at the start.
一年后,被试者的平均体重比研究之初时重了1.5千克。 yeeyan

The tuna weighed200 kilos.
那条金枪鱼重达200公斤。 yeeyan

The main catch here is cod which may reach20 kilos in weight. There is also a probability to catch a tuna which may weigh30 kg.
钓到的主要是鳕鱼,可能会重达20公斤,也可能抓到重达30公斤的金枪鱼。 yeeyan

The maximum weight allowance is60 kilos per traveler, excluding hand luggage.
每个旅客托运的行李最大重量限额是60公斤,手提行李除外。 examw




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